Ok, here goes...
Other than the Gospells themselfs, there is no contempory evidence for the existance of Christ. This is strange as the Romans were very literate and lots of letters an perefial writings all over the empire have been descovered. Among Jewish works there is the Talmud that makes very vague statemants that some recon refur to Jesus, but they controdict the gospels and are spurious anyway. Then there is Josephus who makes very glowing references to Jesus the Christ. The odd thing about Josephus is that every now and then he comes out with a perephial about Jesus, yet he devotes no chapter to him. Instead he writes pages about relatively unimportant thiefs and other criminals who were tried by Pilate, yet Jesus only gets the odd paragraph that is out of context to the chapter. Mmm. Some scholers have suggested that Christians imported these comments to give some credence to Jesus' existance in the face of there not being any. But of course, Christians know better!
Any counter arguments?