Oh, you little topic starter...
I suffered from horrible depression. My problem was I had extreme anxiety and found that there was no way out of my situation. What was I going to do? Grow old and die??? I was really good at nothing... along comes the 'good news' in my severely depressed state! I fell for it like a ton of bricks. Problem was my depression did not abate. Going to meetings literally tore the guts out of me after years of hearing the same old whining "you're not doing enough, you're not doing enough". Did you ever stop and listen to how negative the meetings were? The amount of counsel that we recieved??????? It was non-stop. Do this, do that, don't do that!!! You're bad!
When I went on anti-depressants I quit "the truth" soon after. I saw right through the B.S. And yes, everyone in that screwed up religion.... good god.... is so efing messed up, pardon my language. So many emotional problems. Extreme anti-social behavior, lonely people, desperate people... I found that for every normal person there were twenty complete morons there. The only normal ones usually were the young ones who usually lead double lives.
Now when I see Jehovahs Witnesses they are Janitors and other menial people! It boggles my mind how pathetic these people are still in this day and age. They need anti-depressants to continue on a life course that has no meaning and are usually completely unintelligent, exceptions noted. They are truly pathetic, and I'm sorry that I was ever one of them. But it was a huge learning experience for me and made me a humble person. My life is moving on now and it's so much for the better, even though I was talked into a cult.