I listened to this all week! CBC is awesome!
I say cafuffle is a pushing/shoving match by some, whereas a bru-haha is between that and a riot.
that is the big question here in halifax, nova scotia.
cbc radio want to know what is bigger a bruhaha or a kerfuffle?.
I listened to this all week! CBC is awesome!
I say cafuffle is a pushing/shoving match by some, whereas a bru-haha is between that and a riot.
Oh, your story is so common. I know that's cold comfort, but it's true.
Welcome to the club!
the january 15th wt, "can you control your future" is the prelude to the feb 1st watchtower that contains the 2004 annual service report statistics.. .
in the second study article (pages 15-20), the gb acknowledge the fact that people aren't paying attention to their waffle.. .
there are some surprising statements in the last paragraph, but first, let's highlight some points in this article.... .
Very eye-opening thread.
I had no idea that the Watchtower reported statistics so deviously.
this is an e-mail that i recieved regarding one of my web pages.
i thought that i'd let the "dude" see some of your answers!
i will e-mail him this url for his answer.
Not to sound pissy, (I respect your viewpoint) but you're going to be crowbait at armageddon, plain and simple.
How do you defend 'the organization' when it itself is saying that you are going to die at armageddon?
Just curious. Again, I respect your viewpoint.
they came back.
p and her first partner, s (who, by the way, was not the friend of my jw friend after all).
p and s told me that there was no reason to be upset about all the comments given (see below, added information); it was just a matter of misunderstanding ("like john and james, who thought that they were going to be sitting next to jesus.
JW's cannot handle the truth. They're actions were just what I expected. You can't teach them truth, because they usually don't want to believe it. Imagine your whole belief system going down the toilet! My advice? don't even bother with them.
its funny that when i imagine what other posters look like - i alway imagine them as attractive, fit, well groomed, with bright, shiny happy faces.
i never see them as obese, nerdy, or with greasy hair and warts and pimples.
their noses are never too big - no body has a "comb-over.
Who is that? Cor, er um, ho, er um... who?
the finale is this coming sunday, already.
i am pretty surprised how fast it seems to have gone this time.. anyone have a guess as to who will win?.
i think twyla.............but last week i thought ami had it all wrapped up and she got voted off.
It's on it's last legs. They may get another season or so out of it, but they need more interest. Ratings are waaaay down. What they need to do is film Survivor in the canadian arctic. Give them seal blubber and fish eyes.... mucking around when it's 35 celcius and they're swimming all day isn't true 'survivor'.
How about Survivor: Jehovahs Witnesses. The winner is the person who can take the b.s. long enough, and not get disfellowshipped.
feel free to listen to the oral arguments in front of the court by the watchtower counsel and the berry ladies counsel at below link.
remember this is a civil action brought by the berry ladies against the watchtower et.al for failing to report the abuse.
the berrys lost summary motion and have appealed.
Wow! Worth the listen, that's for sure. Even for a layman like myself.
Thanks for the link!
this is what the garbage men left behind today.
the dude comes in a truck and presses a button to lift the bin and empty into the truck.
everytime he does all this crap is left over from spilling out of the bin.. apparently, the city worker doesn't even have to get out of his cushy seat to put excess into the garbage truck.
Just the garbage on the internet...
iam very new to this forum.
so glad to meet all of you.
ive been reading here for quite a while but never felt the need to join in.
Hey Buck,
Don't take our word for anything. Remember, you're only getting one side of the story. I hate it when people just get the one side, even though I know that we're 100 percent right. Go to a meeting and get love bombed, and see them 'at work'. I suggest a Theocratic Ministry School meeting. Learn how to place your Watchtower and Awake! magazines all to the tune of repeditive chanting music....