You don't like listening to crappy classic rock music all day, and stupid annoying DJ'S???
I always wanted to go over to those guys and smash the boom box with a baseball bat, and then tell them to have a nice day.
i predict there will be an increasing level of questions in these "last days"!!.
so here's my contribution!.
here in the great south land, builders and tradesmen seem unable to do their work without having the radio blaring out from their truck radios.
You don't like listening to crappy classic rock music all day, and stupid annoying DJ'S???
I always wanted to go over to those guys and smash the boom box with a baseball bat, and then tell them to have a nice day.
hi every one i know a lot of people thought i was a hit and run, but im still around.
i will always be reading, even if i dont post.
today 5-3-03 is my one year anniversary.
Hi Justastudy,
Just some cautionary words to you about being "just a study". They sure seem nice, don't they? There is a reason why. They only are nice to you b/c they can count time while talking to you. You may find that hard to believe, but it is true. When I got baptised, and they could not count time anymore, like write me letters even from half way around the country, THAT WAS IT. These "friends" of mine were no more interested in me than bonus points toward their own egos in counting time. And I want you to believe me that I made "the truth my own". I went into it without family / friends, was opposed by everyone, and made it. Too bad that making it meant that they all treated me like crap, too. I was told that I was a skinhead at one point by the person who brought me into the truth.
I want you to really think about how "friendly" they are. The SECOND - THE VERY SECOND that you start having troubles, they will consider you weak, and not assosiate with you. Honestly - they just don't care.
Good luck to you.
okay - you have left the org.
you move to another town - like, lets say that they call on you every 2 months, and they have no idea who you are, like me.
i am sure that there are some of you out there...... what do you say to them when they come to the door????
Okay - you have left the org. It's done. You move to another town - like, lets say that they call on you every 2 months, and they have NO IDEA who you are, like me. I am sure that there are some of you out there.....
What do you say to them when they come to the door????
I told one lady that I knew who she was and that I was not interested. No goodbye from her, nothin'. Old b*&%, coming to my door, giving ME attitude.
What do you say? Its saturday, and the doorbell is ringing!
they can vote in elections now?
have i gone totally insane????.
is this true???????????????.
I am just stunned!
Thank you for the excellent answer! That was incredible work on your part.
I am so pissed off right now I could scream. How dare they fill our heads with lies over the years!
i was so upset they voted kristy off last night.
but i loved her angry response too.
i was watching her on the morning show today, and they interrupted the show to broadcast one of the navy ships coming in to san diego.
LMAO, scoobysnax.
I love this survivor series, b/c there are so many weirdos on the show. Not like a certan religion that we all belonged to -
SURVIVOR, KINGDOM HALL. - who can take the most poop? (I wanted to say the synonym for poop, but thought I'd be nice. ) Will eldersister geekhead comment six times, or seven?
for me, it's that i don't believe they have any authority over us.
Ahmen Rocketman. It is incredible how it takes over your life. Not only takes it over, but takes over every facet of it.
Never enough studying, eh?
as many of you know, my wife had a stroke back in september.
i was so happy that over 80 people sent us public and private e-mails.
some sent flowers and one person sent a gift.
I am glad that she is doing better, too. It is very frustrating for both of you, I know. (Although I am not in your shoes>) You sure would not have gotten this kind of support from any kingdom hall, I assure you of that.
what are some of the foods you remember being served at district and circuit assemblies.
i remember every sunday was roast chicken.
also i remember them serving knockwurst and saurkraut.
Yes. The problem here is that when I was in the org, the very year they simplified their food services. Our food consisted of pre-made sandwiches, pudding (with no spoons), and a drink. It was quite repulsive, and if you went out for lunch, you were a HEATHEN. (seriously). They made us eat there, b/c they would order enough food to feed everyone there - and thats it.
The problem is that on Sunday, they ALWAYS ran out of food - b/c so many people were there. Then the homeless people started coming in and eating - then, last I heard they made you bring your own lunch.
everyone knows the smugness that jw's have.
"everyone is going to die except us because we only have the truth.
" do you think that ex-witnesses continue this same smugness once they get out and realize what really is the truth?
When I was a JW, I was a dink. I could not do enough, and was always feeling guilty - the only way to make me feel better was to be as perfect as possible.
Now, its emberassing. I don't even think that I am above JW's anymore, or anyone. When they come to my door, I feel sorry for them.
did you fear the elders more than god?.
i think that the members of the congregation were afraid of being caught by the elders if they done something wrong.
but on the other hand they felt close to god and asked forgiveness if they done something wrong.. i think that there was an exagerated fear of the elders, as if they were equal to god.. what do you think, in a way, did you fear the elders more than god?.
At first - yes, then no.
At first, I was really scared of them - until I got to know them, and they were usually ok. Some were total crack-pots, and I could not stand them!!!!!!
Later, no. I just didn't care - I once gave an elder the finger, because his actions were so bizarre in public. I was with a DF'd guy, having a beer, and this crazy idiot goes right through an intersection staring at us - I promptly gave him the finger, and he never bothered me again.