I've heard that this is the last season for Survivor. It's been done to death... they can't do anything else with it. That was from the executive producer, too.
I've watched it... the twists this round are really really good. Some were just complete duds, when you know who was going to be in the finals. I really hated the cushy 'lovey' bullkkkt that they put into it. Having they're families on, and they're bawling like they haven't seen them in 20 years, LOL! There was an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm called survivor, when Cody from Australia was on. They had a dinner, and there was a holocaust survivor over for dinner, and he was expecting another 'survivor'. Turns out it was just this Cody guy, and they were arguing over who had it worse... you had to see it to believe how funny it was.