JoinedTopics Started by 607BCisAbigLIE
What the Black Sun and the red moon mean in Rev.?
by 607BCisAbigLIE inin this tread, i will post comments about what is the meaning of the moon that becomes red as blood in the revelation, and the sun that becomes black.
are those phisical signs?
that is what we will discuss here.. first, is it possible that the moon could become phisicaly red as blood, in its litteral sense?
Armageddon: Your Opinion Please
by teenyuck inif you believe armageddon is coming, a few questions:.
armageddon: what is your belief of how your life will be immediatly following armageddon?
what is your belief of how your life will be within 1-5 years of armageddon?
Life after death.
by ballistic insince leaving my life as a jw, i have often wondered about life after death, and have come to the conclusion that it is highly improbable that man was given life in order to conemplate what happens after death.
also, i have never seen any evidence for life after death.
what i do see is that when one is severely brain damaged, it reduces a capable and dignifyed human into a block of chemical reactions within a combination of material substances.
JW Education Status
by Scully inthis was posted on alt.religion.jehovahs-witn, just thought i'd share it with you:.
the following figures from an article in newsweek represent the number of college graduates within each religious group in america.
can this be used to relate the intelligence of the membership of each religion?
Hi to all the Girl's and Boy's
by Nute inofficially been out of the organization since 1990 .... i have e-mailed some of you already .... a very nice group of individuals i must say.
what does borg mean?
i did rattle some cages with the last post by silientlamb, but i guess that's what it is all about listening to both the good and the bad.
by You Know inwhen jesus was on earth the devil approached him quoting scripture in order to tempt and entrap him.
it is no wonder then that the apostate angel would be behind the effort to use the scriptures against jehovahs people today in order to mislead them.
one of the most cunning and effective uses of scripture against us by satans agents is the charge that we are false prophets.
Top Secret Forms WTBTS/ "jehovah's witness...
by sf in< http://www.jehovahsnation.org/.
you'll need to scroll to said title of this post, within paul's site.
Is the kiling of people in war justifiable to you?
by sleepy inhow do you feel about the killing of people in war ?especially those who do not share you ideals and there fore may encroach on your rights if they had authority over you?.
most of us having been witnesses would have justified opposers of god dying at armageddon because we believed they if left alive would ruin life for everyone else.. so if a political party or another nation gained power other you country that acted contrary to your beliefs to such a degree you though they would ruin or life or life style would you kill them in war?
Who is babylon the great?
by 607BCisAbigLIE inthere is a site which anyone should visit it can be very interesting.. in that site you'll find information on history related to the book of revelation.
you'll notice that there is an interpretation that much suits to the people of the early christian times, than to the people of our time.
the logic is that when john wrote the apocalypse book, it had to be understood by the people of his time, with terms and symbolics that the early christians and others (like historians) would understand.
Good news for modern OBVEServers
by unclebruce inhey obves,.
goodnews - i just crunched your numbers with biblemans numbers and broke the mathmatical equations down to iir2 .. let me double check the algebra ... x2 + x + 41 = prime number - xerxies x nabonidus + daniel 360 = jesus pies are squared.
.. yep works every time .. break an equation down far enough and out pops old iir2.