JoinedTopics Started by 607BCisAbigLIE
What the Black Sun and the red moon mean in Rev.?
by 607BCisAbigLIE inin this tread, i will post comments about what is the meaning of the moon that becomes red as blood in the revelation, and the sun that becomes black.
are those phisical signs?
that is what we will discuss here.. first, is it possible that the moon could become phisicaly red as blood, in its litteral sense?
Who is babylon the great?
by 607BCisAbigLIE inthere is a site which anyone should visit it can be very interesting.. in that site you'll find information on history related to the book of revelation.
you'll notice that there is an interpretation that much suits to the people of the early christian times, than to the people of our time.
the logic is that when john wrote the apocalypse book, it had to be understood by the people of his time, with terms and symbolics that the early christians and others (like historians) would understand.