See? Agnosticism rules!
Isn't an agnostic just a person who's too afraid to make the jump to atheism?
this site is great.
check out jws - they're listed 94th with an overall score of minus one.
See? Agnosticism rules!
Isn't an agnostic just a person who's too afraid to make the jump to atheism?
this site is great.
check out jws - they're listed 94th with an overall score of minus one.
And there you have it, the real date of Armageddon!
Sweet! I'm going to start charging up my credit cards since I won't have to pay them off! Woo hoo!
this site is great.
check out jws - they're listed 94th with an overall score of minus one.
Atheism scored -10.
Agnosticism scored 100.
I guess agnostics are preceived as being more open minded...?
Seventh-Day Adventists were the second highest rated religion at 90. Weird.
this site is great.
check out jws - they're listed 94th with an overall score of minus one.
-1 y 8 m 7 d
Wow, you're young!
Yeah, this is a neat site. Scientology scored -21. lol
technically its a gamble and thats not allowed but i think they could side step it if they really wanted to.. has there ever been any article on it?.
It definitely was not wrong to invest in the stock market.
this weekend, while katie and i were at the beach, we both spent a little time reading coc (no, it wasn't a study lol ...i can honestly say that i did not favor the disfellowshipping decision made by the [governing] body.
for when the vote came i conformed to the majority decision.
i felt dismayed when the body assigned me to prepare mateiral in support of the decision, yet i accepted the assignment and wrote it as was desired by the belief in the organization as god's only agency on earth caused me to do what i did at that time without particularly great qualms of conscience.. .
I agree with the topic of this thread. Being inside the organization seems to suppress intelligence. I guess that's one result of being involved in a cult. I'm flat out embarrassed by how I behaved both socially and intellectually while I was in the organization. I was simply unaware of my behavior until the final year or two of my involvement. I started to "fix" things but that resulted in me becoming a "weak" Witness and finally leaving.
One of the first things I did when I left the organization was join Mensa. Anyone else a member by chance?
anyone plan on clowning these fools at their conventions?
i don't necessarily mean shouting, holding placards, etc.
but i do mean putting evidence of their covering up child molesting around.
I don't think it would do any good. Most (if not all) JW's simply ignore opposers at conventions. I would be surprised if someone actually left the org because of opposers spreading the truth about the truth at conventions, but I guess it might happen.
I think Internet sites are more effective, but there are so many of those already...
most meetings i went to, children were brought to the washrooms in the back to be disciplined.
often i could hear a child yell or cry due to the spanking given by the parent.
people in the hall would have that look on their face meaning that it was alright to discipline a child by spanking him.
So true... I have seen borderline child abuse at meetings.
I am of the mindset that spanking is wrong. I think if a child is too young to comprehend you telling them why they should not do something, they are too young to understand why you're hitting them. If a child is old enough to understand why you're hitting them, they should understand verbal instruction.
It's just wrong to tell your kids never to hit other children, but turn around and hit them when they do something wrong. Of course, I don't have kids yet so my opinion doesn't really count. I just hope that when we do have kids they will respond to verbal instruction.
so many here talk about their experiences with the jw's.
we talk about how mean and hateful the people in the congregation were to us.
so we find a board like this one thinking it's going to help us to heal.
It woudl be nice if insults and personal attacks didn't happen, don't get me wrong. But human nature sometimes overpowers us all.
so many here talk about their experiences with the jw's.
we talk about how mean and hateful the people in the congregation were to us.
so we find a board like this one thinking it's going to help us to heal.
I don't know... most of the other discussion groups I'm on have similar problems with clashing personalities. Just because we all have the ex-JW thing in common doesn't mean we will all automatically get along. It didn't happen in the JW organization and it won't happen here.