After all, the Bible Code II book says the world will end in 2006... That's what I'm betting on.
Well, I'm putting my faith in the X-Files. The world will end on December 22, 2012. The Myan calendar agrees with that date.
ok, so it's not from the wts but it's funny..
supposedly planet x is due to pass by earth very soon with catastrophic results.
this happens every 3,000 years or so.
After all, the Bible Code II book says the world will end in 2006... That's what I'm betting on.
Well, I'm putting my faith in the X-Files. The world will end on December 22, 2012. The Myan calendar agrees with that date.
there are many reasons why we choose a username.
on this forum, aside from some of the more obvious names associated with our avatars, what does your nickname/username mean or refer to?.
some are first names.
My username is from drwtsn32.exe... the error logging app in Windows NT/2000/XP. Yes, it is nerdy but I thought it sounded kinda cool. It is short for "Dr. Watson" as many of you recognized.
ok - another thread got me to thinking about this.... how many of yall memorize your license plate number by making up an acronym to remember it by?.
for example... my plates are... .
b52 kdp.
lol! I want to get that plate! Right now my plate has my last name on it. It keeps me from driving like an ass because people can simply look me up in the phone book.
Sounds like they were looking for a reason to DA you. When the elders ask stuff like "Do you still consider yourself a JW?" or "Do you still believe the WTS is God's chosen org?" -- look out.
Of course, if you don't care about being DA'd then let 'em have it!
for all the people here on board that post, i wonder whether you think you're pretty smart.
for the record, i think i'm no dummy.
Does being a smart ass count?
with a possible fall out in the financial area, the watchtower "could" (probaly won't) be in for some hard financial times.. with all the new fancy building, printing presses, halls etc, etc, etc.. now, i haven't been to a meeting in 15 years, i don't remember back then, but is there "an unwritten rule" (10% of your check) about how much money you should give to the wts.
that the congregation kind of follows ??????????.
do you think the watchtower will lower themselves more and ask people to start giving more ????
I am suprised why they never went for the normal 10%.
Wait oh Jehovah, dear brother... he will reveal the new light on tithing in his own due time.
from frank's compendium of little-known and useless information:.
there are no empty tabasco sauce bottles...anywhere in the world.
got your own little known facts?
Why are Braille dots on the buttons of drive-up ATMs?
this subject came up in another thread about the wts paying for silentlambs.. does the watchtower consciously lie?
do you have examples?.
i know about a scandal that broke out during the '80's involving a huge number of bad decisions made by elders and.
aking scientist's comments out of context and quoting them to back up the creationist view
Exactly. It is quite disgusting. But I'm very thankful they did it because it played a major role in me breaking free from the borg. It helped me lose my implicit trust in the organization.
this subject came up in another thread about the wts paying for silentlambs.. does the watchtower consciously lie?
do you have examples?.
i know about a scandal that broke out during the '80's involving a huge number of bad decisions made by elders and.
How about misquotes in some of their publications. I am quite familiar with this tactic used in the 1985 Creation book.
everything at once, yep that is what is going on here.
our drains backed-up thunder is reeming them out when our new not even a year old tv is going haywire.
wtf why is it when one thing breaks everything breaks?????
Jehovah is punishing you for your vile deeds.