Check this out... I found it on
"Booze" Rutherford (seated, with hat), 2nd Watchtower president, circa. end of Prohibition.
check this out... i found it on
"booze" rutherford (seated, with hat), 2nd watchtower president, circa.
end of prohibition.
Check this out... I found it on
"Booze" Rutherford (seated, with hat), 2nd Watchtower president, circa. end of Prohibition.
boy, this thread could go on forever ........ i just found out recently, about the pyramid theory by russell and the building rutherford had built for abraham's return ..... i never remember my family talking about these while we were growing up/going to meetings.. i guess the society tries to hide the embarrassment as much as posssible.. so what would call some of the most embarrassing moments by the watchtower (1879-2003), i am hoping to copy alot of comments and pass them on to my jw family.
and hopefully other posters (lurkers) could find the info useful as well.. oh and please, if you can give more details on the two above i mentioned please do ........
Also the belief that black people can pray themselves white.
lol... I heard that about the Mormons. I tend to believe the Mormons would have said that over the JWs, because they were so blatantly racist in the past. But it's probably just an urban legend assigned to various cults.
im leaning more and more towards a fully gifted creation.
i think god is so wise that when he first began "this" universe that he endowed it with tremendous organization potentiality, that would not require him to step in and guide it or help it along to produce intelligent life.. look at how scientist tell us all the elements are made in the stars, though nuclear fusion suns not only give us light and heat but also produce more complicated elements.
physicists tell us of wonderful self organization on the atomic and subatomic level.
I don't recall "establishing" that a design requires a designer. I think a design can happen without an intelligence acting "directly" on something to make a design. If that's what you mean.
Hmm...I must have misunderstood you. Earlier in this thread you said "God does exist because of the vast order i see and that something doesn't come from nothing." I took that to mean you believe things with apparent design must have had a designer. It is self-defeating because an infinitely complex god would, by that logic, require an even more impressive designer than himself. Unless you believe that god had no beginning. In which case I argue: how can you so easily reason that way when god is more complex than our entire universe? The same universe that you say demands a designer?
How does God make something out of nothing, I don't know. I don't think there is anyone who could ever "explain" God's eterenal existence satifactorily.
I don't think it's hard to imagine god (as he is defined in the bible) creating something out of nothing, but that wasn't my point. The question was how can god himself come from nothing.
I agree that we are all entitled to our opinions, and I am grateful for leaving the organization and we can actually have these thought provoking discussions! In the organization we would have only been allowed to regurgitate the Society's current "light."
What it boils down to for me is I see no hard, objective evidence to believe in god. Sure, the universe appears to have design, but that's not hard evidence. I also have a problem with how god is defined. God is completely untestable; he cannot be proven. I said in another thread that I could make up something about some 4th dimensional gnome that lives to terrorize humans. There's no way to disprove that because we cannot comprehend or visit the 4th dimension. But we see humans being "terrorized" so is that proof my gnome exists? No.
so many do quote a scripture to make a point against an idea, yet i see that a number do not seem to believe in the bible's inspiration, anyway.
so, do you believe that the bible is god's inspired word??
The bible is crap.
Spunky, don't beat around the bush... tell us how you really feel.
im leaning more and more towards a fully gifted creation.
i think god is so wise that when he first began "this" universe that he endowed it with tremendous organization potentiality, that would not require him to step in and guide it or help it along to produce intelligent life.. look at how scientist tell us all the elements are made in the stars, though nuclear fusion suns not only give us light and heat but also produce more complicated elements.
physicists tell us of wonderful self organization on the atomic and subatomic level.
I don't see it as self defeating.
It is self-defeating, and not because of anything to do with time. If design requires a designer, who designed the designer? Did you not just establish that design requires a designer? How can that not also apply to the designer? If it doesn't apply to the designer, then why can't it also not apply to the universe itself?
for immediate release .
may 29, 2003. watchtower opens way for furman street property development.
the watchtower bible and tract society of new york, inc., a legal entity.
the money for the pedophile lawsuits has to come from somewhere!
It does. From donations to the world wide work.
hi there im new here so a brief biog to say hi.
ill be a bit vague cos not sure how safe with poss jw's seeing as friends and parents still jw's and im not d'sd or df'd just stopped going.probably being paranoid.wonder why?was brought up jw did 'bad things' in teens whilst pioneering felt sick with guilt then got doubts started hanging with worldlys got grassed up by my sis for doing drugs but manage to avoid ds/da and left fairly quietly.
i live in birmingham england have been my own man for over two years but after the initial great im free feeling i guess im a bit flat now.
Stu, you're not trying to compete with me are you?
im leaning more and more towards a fully gifted creation.
i think god is so wise that when he first began "this" universe that he endowed it with tremendous organization potentiality, that would not require him to step in and guide it or help it along to produce intelligent life.. look at how scientist tell us all the elements are made in the stars, though nuclear fusion suns not only give us light and heat but also produce more complicated elements.
physicists tell us of wonderful self organization on the atomic and subatomic level.
Yes, a 2-dimensional being would have a very hard time understanding a 3-dimensional world. Just like we have a hard time grasping what a 4-dimensional object would be like. (I'm talking about the 4th dimension being another measure of distance, not a measure of time.)
The idea of god doesn't make sense to us logically (never had a beginning, infinitely complex, etc.) so people come up with the idea that he is simply outside of our dimension and hence we have no possible way of understanding him. I think that's a weak cop out, personally.
i cam close to being disfellowshipped once,i was a servant so they only took awy all of my duties,and priv's.but i know a sister even dated her for 10 months who has been disfellowshipped 3 was kind of funny because her 2 fleshly sisters got disfellow'ed around the same time and they all didnt seem to care and went to jamaica for 3 weeks.1 of them even came back pregnant.
I have never been, but my sister was DF'd, got reinstated just to be able to associate with her family, and then fell to inactivity. Manipulating the system rocks!
so many do quote a scripture to make a point against an idea, yet i see that a number do not seem to believe in the bible's inspiration, anyway.
so, do you believe that the bible is god's inspired word??
No, I do not. Most of the good stuff in the Bible is common sense anyway (eg, the golden rule). Also, most of the proofs that are supposed to show the bible is inspired is not too strong IMO. Take the prophecies, for example. How can you be so sure that the bible wasn't changed to suit history? I don't think you can!
Some praise the bible's scientific accuracy. "The bible says the earth is round and people thought it was flat until Columbus' day!" That's just plain wrong. The earth has been known to be spherical since at least in ancient Greece.
Also, my wife has been researching religions and it's amazing how Christianity has appeared to 'borrow' so many ideas from other, much, much older religions.
In my mind the bible and Christianity has lost all credibility as being special, unique, and inspired.