Jgnat- good idea! I forgot about that rapture thing.
apog said: See, you're making an assumption that "the Bible" says one thing clearly, and frankly that's not the case when we look critically at the collected writings that make up the Bible.
I see your point definitely....im taking something and utilizing it to contradict them without first thinking ahead at how they may also use other scriptures.
apog then said: That being said, personally I see a lot of marital troubles start when one mate starts to do lots of independent research, comes to their own conclusions, and then one day drops everything on their other mate. It seems that very few mates maintain open lines of communication during this period of learning TTATT because they feel they have to hide it. The end result is that one mate ends up alienating the other, and either the marriage breaks down over several years, or it takes several years for the other mate to come to share their beliefs.
i have to say youve hits about 99% of my situation and thoughts with this post. I DO feel i have to hide things which i feel already makes me a target not to be trusted...i look guilty already. I dont want to drop the bomb...but im so far into it i find it difficult to just drop little hints. I also blame and am angry at the WT for this because they dont allow you to have freedom of speech without the possibility or fear of extreme negative response. This, i find is the foundation of why it is the awaken mate sees need to hide. I DO NOT want to live my life that way so i see why it is you brought out caution about listening to others on the forum too much.
Like you, i also find it miserable to do talks because of what i know. I dont want to feel the need to hide but i also cant drop the bomb. So i have to find a common ground for where i can maintain my sanity but be unselfish and try to understand more about how my wife feels.
With that i come back to Hassan techniques and jwfacts...and the need to compartmentalize my thoughts and set priorities.
And i understand what you mean now about knowing myself and knowing what direction i need to go....if im Lost why would i invite her to be lost also.