Billy-- ethel that suffered severe burns and after extensive grafts and therapy was reassigned to a different crew because he couldn't do that hard work anymore.
now did he get his expenses paid or did he have to have his own insurance?
after 6 weeks of hiatus from our home study we are finishing ch 15-see good for all your work.. throughout the last part of the chapter it goes i er how to view secular work--keep it simple and ministry first before work.
so the elder told me of a bro who went to a tech school for welding but got the real welding education with the siciety and is now 2nd in class welder at either bethel or the farm.
another bro went to bethel for computers and is now makes a ton if money oart time and can pioneer (jehovah made it all happen)...then elder we t into how 73% of kids cant get jobs after college and it isnt really an education but mostly partying.
Billy-- ethel that suffered severe burns and after extensive grafts and therapy was reassigned to a different crew because he couldn't do that hard work anymore.
now did he get his expenses paid or did he have to have his own insurance?
after 6 weeks of hiatus from our home study we are finishing ch 15-see good for all your work.. throughout the last part of the chapter it goes i er how to view secular work--keep it simple and ministry first before work.
so the elder told me of a bro who went to a tech school for welding but got the real welding education with the siciety and is now 2nd in class welder at either bethel or the farm.
another bro went to bethel for computers and is now makes a ton if money oart time and can pioneer (jehovah made it all happen)...then elder we t into how 73% of kids cant get jobs after college and it isnt really an education but mostly partying.
The thing is the failings that the watchtower point to with higher ed--they standardize it to "this system" and school impracticality....but you get iut of school what u put everything else in life--put in effort u can get results. The elder said to me: "With school in this system there is no guarantee, but with Jehovah you are guaranteed 100% to have his backing and to learn what u need to"......i then thought of the extremely poor bros and sisters whi struggle so much. And he talked of how pioneers are always the happiest he sees be ause they are doing Jehovahs will and yadda yadda....
hi everyone .
it was not my intention to write here anymore, but i found things that caught my interest, things that i feel to share in the hope of someone finds it interesting.. the core is that the wt surprisingly admits that what "we" believe in, is after all, only opinions (awake 2000 june 22 page9-11 "do not be a victim of propaganda).. anyone with a scan of thiese pages would make my day ;-) the questions/arguments below are built around this:.
feel free to find better arguments ;-).
after 6 weeks of hiatus from our home study we are finishing ch 15-see good for all your work.. throughout the last part of the chapter it goes i er how to view secular work--keep it simple and ministry first before work.
so the elder told me of a bro who went to a tech school for welding but got the real welding education with the siciety and is now 2nd in class welder at either bethel or the farm.
another bro went to bethel for computers and is now makes a ton if money oart time and can pioneer (jehovah made it all happen)...then elder we t into how 73% of kids cant get jobs after college and it isnt really an education but mostly partying.
Thanks. Jgnat and Bee...i will always support my kids in whatever they want to do with their lives except drugs and all that. But i will not force anything on my kids nor neglect their aspirations...What i do not like is the elder throwing it out there and giving my wife the thought lol. I love my kids and i will teach them to think independently and critically...i think what happens is many witnesses thnk "well it teaches them responsibility and keeps them out of trouble, being in the truth......" what they forget is it can make them self righteous, narcissistic, depressed, socially awkward, and narrow minded....If my kid decides to be a witness fine but i will do my damndest to make sure its with an OPEN mind and that they do not follow the destructive nature of that org. To me, to not do that, would mean im not guiding and providing for them...which according to the Bible would make me worse than one of those of the nations.
after 6 weeks of hiatus from our home study we are finishing ch 15-see good for all your work.. throughout the last part of the chapter it goes i er how to view secular work--keep it simple and ministry first before work.
so the elder told me of a bro who went to a tech school for welding but got the real welding education with the siciety and is now 2nd in class welder at either bethel or the farm.
another bro went to bethel for computers and is now makes a ton if money oart time and can pioneer (jehovah made it all happen)...then elder we t into how 73% of kids cant get jobs after college and it isnt really an education but mostly partying.
Yeah i agree thanks defiant! I think many understand how they pull u in...ill post what else we covered as soon as i can...
when i left the jw's, close friends and some elders discussed my desicion with me,without fail they all concluded the same thing.... "but where else is there to go?!".
at the time, the question just confused me, i could not see why it confused me or the very telling nature of such a comment.
i never thought that once.. firstly, this indicates that many jw's remain jw's simply because of this tunnel vision perspective... everything in their periphery is valueless, but the wt on which they focus is everthing.
Marked...great thread.
after 6 weeks of hiatus from our home study we are finishing ch 15-see good for all your work.. throughout the last part of the chapter it goes i er how to view secular work--keep it simple and ministry first before work.
so the elder told me of a bro who went to a tech school for welding but got the real welding education with the siciety and is now 2nd in class welder at either bethel or the farm.
another bro went to bethel for computers and is now makes a ton if money oart time and can pioneer (jehovah made it all happen)...then elder we t into how 73% of kids cant get jobs after college and it isnt really an education but mostly partying.
After 6 weeks of hiatus from our home study we are finishing ch 15-See good for all your work.
throughout the last part of the chapter it goes i er how to view secular work--keep it simple and ministry first before work. So the elder told me of a bro who went to a tech school for welding but got the real welding education with the siciety and is now 2nd in class welder at Either bethel or the farm. Another bro went to bethel for computers and is now makes a ton if money oart time and can pioneer (Jehovah made it all happen)...then elder we t into how 73% of kids cant get jobs after college and it isnt really an education but mostly partying. Anyways....
Then the ball dropped....said we basically shoukd raise our kids with the opportunity to go to Bethel to be just as successful...the. He indirectly went into how u cant miss service or meetings ti secular things and kids should be brought up in ministry....and my wife agreed 100%...."shit" i thought. Her biggest dream is to send our kids to Bethel....thanks elder...thanks for planting that seed. Sad part is i felt that dissonance kick in and start to draw my interest back a little...theN irritation and reality hit and here i am....any advice? His conviction is absolutely astounding, articulate, and a master of speaking and luring one back to the org...
you may add many, but here are two:.
1) vegetation made on day 3, animals formed day 5,6, but- then.
in gen 2, man seems to be the primary creation, and vegetation and then animals were formed from the dust and brought to him to name them.
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and desolate, and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep, and God’s active force was moving about over the surface of the waters. 3 And God said: “Let there be light.” Then there was light. 4 After that God saw that the light was good, and God began to divide the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, but the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, a first day. 6 Then God said: “Let there be an expanse between the waters, and let there be a division between the waters and the waters.” 7 Then God went on to make the expanse and divided the waters beneath the expanse from the waters above the expanse. And it was so. 8 God called the expanse Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day. 9 Then God said: “Let the waters under the heavens be collected together into one place, and let the dry land appear.” And it was so.10 God called the dry land Earth, but the collecting of the waters, he called Seas. And God saw that it was good. 11 Then God said: “Let the earth cause grass to sprout, seed-bearing plants and fruit trees according to their kinds, yielding fruit along with seed on the earth.” And it was so. 12 And the earth began to produce grass, seed-bearing plants and trees yielding fruit along with seed, according to their kinds. Then God saw that it was good. 13
actually light came first :-/.
so is the christian hope in heaven or on earth?.
in acts chapter 1the question was raised: 6 so when they had assembled, they asked him: lord, are you restoring the kingdom to israel at this time?
7 he said to them: it does not belong to you to know the times or seasons that the father has placed in his own jurisdiction.. notice jesus never said thered be a change in venue, just that it wasnt up to them to know when..... so what is there from both sides?
kneehigh--that makes sense in context of the bible...
always thought the second test stuff was ridiculous....for le it makes those who follow God follow him "or else", thereby negating the love they have for him "whole heartedly"....
spinning off from another thread, have jesus' teachings been less than universally helpful to mankind?
how do we measure if a particular philosophy is helpful or harmful?.
i am going to use the "universal morals" listed here.
Ok ill start. My personal feeling without diving into cultural psychology of thr masses first lol. Ill read that after.
For me i do find many teachings of Jesus helpful. Thinking of others before onesself, trying to weed out thoughts that may change how i feel about my wife or violence, etc. I think most of what i learned from his teaching is self control, self discipline, and balance in ones life.
with that being said i c annot say that these are patented by Christ, but that i appreciate how he emphasized them.
It was because of what he really taught that got me to look at all things to find out the real truth of the WT.
....ok belief rant over kets get analytical.