This post made me laugh. There are more just like him out there in all walks of life and every denomination known to man.
JoinedPosts by Litebriterstill
I just wanna say something to everybody!
by U.2.K. Tha Greate$t inalright i understand that this board is full of non-believers, maybe you believe in evolution(which btw i hate very much) or maybe you are a atheist.
and another thing i notice is that this board is very much against the jw's.
anyway i might be only 22, but i know and i understand more things in this world than half the suckas in this world.
Christmas Day/Arizona Another KH is torched
by blondie in
worship hall fire was arson
08:23 pm cst on friday, december 26, 2003. associated press .
KH torched ! I do not subscribe to Arson, someone was realy mad. I'm glad none were injured. I was out in service years ago when some laughed because a minister took off with the money to finish his own Church. The JW's laughed at the Catholic Priests being found molesters. Laughing at deprivity! Today there are many JW molesting cases in the Newspaper and on this chatboard where disgusting behavior is being hidden or denied. I sat in KH where 2 couples were answering when they had admitted to Elders they had an affair with the other ones mate. "He who lies down with dogs gets up with flees."
Atheists and prayer
by Narkissos ini have read some years ago that, according to the results of a survey in a western country (i think it was germany), the number of people who admitted praying occasionally was far superior to the number of believers in any kind of god.. when i read ancient prayers to the gods or goddesses in a polytheistic context, i notice they are not very different, in form and in content, from the prayers to the monotheistic "god".
many of the bible prayers (e.g.
psalms) have probably originated in a polytheistic context, even though we now read them as prayers to the one and only god.
Nark. Praying seems to be a habbit for some of us who grew up with it. I have never had any of my prayers answered. When I have desired something, I studied how to get it or accomplish it, got out my hoe and a few times gained success. I wanted to be a great JW and save many lives. I studied it, had my mate and kids hedged by it and we all prayed. I brought very few into the fold and the JW's made me and my family feel bad or guilty ALL of the time. DOOR TO DOOR NO MORE. FREE AT LAST !
Got a visit today - they'll be back.
by Garnet inthe hubby and i moved not too long ago and decided that it would be the perfect time to do our fade from the congregation...well actually, he had already made up his mind to stop going and i thought it would be the perfect time for me to stop going.
well its been some time and today we got a visit.
i didn't even realize it until i had opened the door.
Garnet, I enjoyed reading all the helpful suggestions you were given. We lost all our friends when we left the borg. It's a growing process. You have more to loose when you mention family. The suggestion of personal, private issues sounds best. Walk softly away and you will draw fewer problems. We know 2 Elders that left that way.
Who to talk to? Talk to your husband and take a big break to regroup. I was raised Catholic. I took my 25yr. old daughter who I raised a JW to the Catholic Church where she received communion. She didn't learn or feel God there. We visited a non denominational Church and she attended the youth group. Not her style either. The Unitarian talks have been the most interesting. A woman Rev. spoke on the Metophysical. The Baptist have been the most loving and helpful to eachother. We did this as part of our recovery.
Today, no formal religon will ever encompas our lives again. We try and be good people and may (GOD) have mercy on us all. OR (deep sleep, no resurection, move onto a new plane.etc.or whatever)
What If Jehovah's Witnesses Are Right?
by shamus inthe "what if" thing comes to mind... no matter how much i strongly believe that they are not, what if armageddon happened tomorrow and they were correct?
would you have any sorrow for being wrong???.
i, personally would not.
If the JW's were right I would go to sleep thinking God played a mean, unloving game with me that made my life miserable. I wouldn't want to play the next forever game with a God like that!!! The gift of life hasn't felt like a gift so far and I'm 52 and growing older.
Like the words to John Lennons song..."Imagine theres no Heaven, it's easy if you try..."
ever feel violent rage toward BORG?
by Ravyn inpork chop and in_between_days seem to think i am the only one on this board who is bitter and feels occasionally violent toward the borg...what do you think?.
i have been called low life scum because i made a comment (after being provoked) about not caring if all jws died of antrax.
honestly, there are days i really feel that way.
Huggs to Blondie as if that would do it for you. Yes, genes can mean little in many cases. I love your feedback always Francois. "Special places in HELL" would be nice. Even that is taken away when one stops believing in God.
I still feel rage inside that the wrongs done to my family and I will never get paid back or persons made to answer for. Where is HELL when you need it? "Wait on Ja and Ja hates a divorcing" caused me to stay with a Bi Polar disordered abusive husband for 26yrs.. We had a same disordered son now 22. Meds haven't worked well for either one. They both hated "The Truth" and quit before my daughter and I did. The unkind stories I will be sharing in some of the chapters of a book I am writing on growing up in a disfunctional family of 10 and where it leads ones. (not the title or who would read such sadness as entertainment).
Melencholy Me
Do You Feel That Your Parents "Did a Good Job" Raising You?
by minimus inbeing raised a witness, my mother has asked me whether or not i held her responsible for her bringing me up in the way that she has.
i feel that my upbringing is something my mother can be proud about.
even though i do not believe in the "truth", i do feel that she did a good job of raising us.
A round of hugs for all of you that put up with bad parenting. I was also from a very disfunctional set of parents. They were Catholic and kept having more kids. They had 10 and lost 3. I remember being called damn bratz by dear dad and my mom wished she had joined the convent instead of marrage.
They didn't do a good job and I didn't love either one. Love begets love. I looked for God all my life and look still. I was a JW since 84 and started weaning myself after 10yrs. of giving my all.
I hope my kids love me cause I wasn't a mean witness mom. I agree with one who said we should have to take a class to have kids. A potential mate should know what grade was given.
Jehovah's Witness break off group?
by freedom96 inthere have been many discussions on this board about the hope that we all have that the wts organization would tumble.. some have thought that the internet will play a big role ( i think so), others think that it is abuse issues, others still think it might be doctrinal issues.. if the wts was to take a fall, would there be a break off group in your opinion?
would there be the die-hard witnesses that would start a division, take over perhaps?
would some governing body members go one way, and others go another way?
Go Dannybear, I couldn't agree more about not sharing my Religious embarrasment with anyone. I use to teach Cosmatology. We were to instruct the Beauticians not to talk Religion or politics as they were too personal of a subject. I enjoyed reading all the fine answers to this question.
The Society's worst release
by Nosferatu inwhat, in your opinion, is the worst thing that the society has released?
(book / tract / video / audio cassette)
The Youth Book tops our list. I told my two teens at the time I disagreed with the book. Shame on any mother having a male go over that book with a girl. That is a mothers responsibility. Also, what one does with their own body behind their closed bedroom door is nobodys business. Masterbation might have kept some boys from rape or getting married too soon. The Borg wanted to manipulate our every breath. I will resent that for the rest of my life and work at not ever devoting myself to such a sham of a scam again.
Did you ever really fear Jehovah?
by Tower Man ini just put a new mp3 audio on my site by bill & laura althaus.
it's from 1996 at the witnesses now for jesus convention in pennsylvania.
you can hear it at:
Blondie and SpunkyChick I send you both hugs. I was from a Catholic family of 10 and told that I would burn in hell for not helping my mother more. I would wake at night sweating profusely and waving my arms to get out of the fire of hell. I didn't know fear of God but was kept in line by devil fear factor for sure!!!