How to get him out without him hating you?
Well, IF you got him out, he probably wouldn't hate you, not if he has an degree of maturity. BVlaming YOU for it not being the truth would be dumb.
However, the risk is that if you try to get him out, he will hate you. It's a pre-programmed reflex in him, to identify anyone who challenges his faith as 'wrong' or 'bad'.
Has he ever got online and looked at sites like this? You need to create a situation where HE will go and look, and maybe have his eyes opened.
Perhaps saying you were studying about the Witnesses, and came accross some stuff that worried you, as you knew the Witnesses were lovely people, and you couldn't believe it was true.
It's a risky game; my family are JW's and I'd love to get them out, but they are so primed to be defensive against any attack or perceived attack, it's hard to even start, let alone get anywhere, without effecting the relationships I have with them.
All the best.
People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...