Do you guys get free health,
Yes. If you are working you pay "National Health Insurance", so it isn't actually 'free', just a National Heath Service. In Holland (where I now live) it's the same; if you're working a fee of about $115 covers you for all essential health care and far more. What distiniguishes the Dutch and British sysems from the US is that those on no or limited incomes can walk into an ordinary hospital and get the same service they would as if they ad been working. Those on normal incomes with big medical costs will almost always get the treatment they need.
As it is a public service, cutting edge treatments or very expensive drug therapy is sometimes not available in the UK unless it meets certain cost-benefit requirements. This nomally only hits the elderly and those who will probably die anyway as it is considered better to improve the quality of life of those with many years left than those with few years left (if a choice has to be made due to limited funds), but then again, you can go private.
dental care? Including like, Orthodontia, braces which cost roughly $5,000 w/o insurance in the Americas, usually half with?
Not sure about Orthodontics; I think maybe if you are on a limited income you get this free/subsidised. Basic dental work is subsidised, check-ups are free (I think).
Are your tuition fees below 2,000 pounds? I saw a bit on the BBC World where Students were PROTESTING fees "jacked" up to around 1,200 pounds??? Was I hearing that number wrong? Was it only for certain schools? It would be so unheard of cheap to me!!
Are your petrol costs the equivalent of 6$, around 3 pounds, or are they 6 pounds, around $12??
In the UK petrol is 98p per litre, so $1.96 a litre, $8.63 per US gallon.
Do you like the way us Yankees talk?
I think what you are trying to say is 'Do you like the way that Yankees talk?', meaning North-East dialect as distinct from Southern, Mid-Western, West-Coast or other varients. Well, it can be, I think the word is 'cute', but it can also be a bit hard on the ears and let's not talk about grammar, eh? 'Us' English are fussy about that
Which is your favourite American fast food chain 'import'? Do you have Wendy's? Burger King? TGIF (I know Tokyo has them!) Applebees, Olive Garden?
'Favourite', 'American' and 'Fast-Food' are three words I would not put in the same sentence. Wendy's are good but unknown over here; there was one in London once. Burger King and McD's are endemic - at least you can pretend that Burger King is real food. Hard Rock Cafe is the nearest thing to good I can think of as an American food chain you can get here.
What's your favourite American t.v. show, if any?
At this moment, House.
What's your favourite British accent? :)
That of Mrs Eileen Puddersley of 57 Middlemarch Lane, Droitwitch.
How do you feel about David Beckham being a part of American football, soccer now??? What about his wife, do you like her?
Could not give a flying fig about Beckham or his scrawny bint.
Pip pip!