Christianguy, we really need to work on Matthew 5:39 or we have reduced ourselves to a child of Christian instead of enjoying the deep things of Jesus Christ, back to the basics and milk. The Master could read the hearts of the Pharisees and wicked religious leaders, we don't know whois going to be affected by our words. The great Christian Apologists must remain guiltless during the debates with well-known Atheist and Islamic Clerics, I listen to the insults hurled during the Christian and Islamic debates while the Christian Apologist remained calm and respectful for Mohammed and Islam even while the audience and Cleric get's upset or uses ad-hominen attacks. The Atheist speaker will throw something wild out for the audience like "I would rather keep rape than religion" Sam Harris quote, the professional Christian Apologist continues to behave like Jesus Christ or he loses the debate because it's not ok for us to name call, we get this thrown back in our face because of the higher ground we are trying to walk. Christians are held to a higher level of morality because we are preaching the message of Jesus Christ, we got to change how we handle the evils people throw our ways. I don't think the atheist are calling us names, it's the gross hypocrites and their wicked deeds hurting the innocent ones who they are attacking, most are good spirited with good cheer like Captian Obvious.
1 Peter 2:
1 So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. 2 Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation— 3 if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good.
4 As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, 5 you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 6 For it stands in Scripture:
1 Corinthians 3: " 1 Dear brothers and sisters, a when I was with you I couldn’t talk to you as I would to spiritual people. b I had to talk as though you belonged to this world or as though you were infants in the Christian life. c 2 I had to feed you with milk, not with solid food, because you weren’t ready for anything stronger. And you still aren’t ready, 3 for you are still controlled by your sinful nature. You are jealous of one another and quarrel with each other. Doesn’t that prove you are controlled by your sinful nature? Aren’t you living like people of the world? 4 When one of you says, “I am a follower of Paul,” and another says, “I follow Apollos,” aren’t you acting just like people of the world?
Matthew 5:39
Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary
39. But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil; but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right check, turn to him the other also—Our Lord's own meek, yet dignified bearing, when smitten rudely on the cheek (Joh 18:22, 23), and not literally presenting the other, is the best comment on these words. It is the preparedness, after one indignity, not to invite but to submit meekly to another, without retaliation, which this strong language is meant to convey.