I think JWs are boring is because they are afraid to express a unique, individual opinion about anything. They are always afraid of what others might think, whether they are sounding worldly, or whether they might 'stumble' someone. So JWs tend to just talk about very mundane, safe topics. Plus in the 80s we used to have large congregation picnics, beach parties, etc but now large gatherings are frowned on. Even when going to a movie or watching a TV program, Witnesses have to censor their entertainment choices for fear of being ratted out to the Elders. All in all, Witnesses in general live very restricted lives.
JoinedPosts by NAVYTOWN
Do You Consider Jehovah's Witnesses A Boring Group of People???
by minimus ini think they are the most boring people on earth.
they are about as exciting as a dead ant..
What laws are on your side (in the U.S.) so you can leave quietly
by oppostate inin another topic "just quit quietly - the law is on your side" there was a lot of discussion about how to leave quietly without getting tagged publicly as "no longer a jw".
here are some legal cases that could be used to show support for leaving quietly.. you have to first send a letter saying you're leaving that specific congregation, and that you don't want them to keep records of you.. if the boe says anything against you here are some court cases that make precedent for bringing a suit against them:.
baugh v. thomas (1970).
The members of the Governing Body, the District Overseers, and the local elders are essentially uneducated self-important nobodies. Their strategy is to manipulate the rank and file members into believing that they have some sort of 'authority' over them. This is only true if a person allows themselves to be cajoled into believing it. There is nothing legally that prevents any person from walking away from a religion. So the best bet is to just forget that the Witnesses ever existed and go on with your life. Whatever psychological games they want to play is totally up to them. Just ignore them totally.
Unbaptized Publisher
by naazira inwhat would you recommend for an unbaptized publisher that has learned ttatt and is inactive?
do you think it is best for someone to just continue to be inactive and live & let live?
or take time and write a letter wishing to no longer be an unbaptized publisher?.
Just stop self-identifying as being a Witness. No need to write a letter or shout it from the rooftop. If any elders contact you, just tell them you don't have anything to discuss with them. End of story. I highly doubt they'll give a rat's ass anyway.
The Judicial Committee is a Circle of Elders in a Room?
by Shanagirl inhas this ever happened to anyone who has been df'd here?
did you walk into a room with a circle of chairs for the whole body of elders?.
The best way to deal with a JW Judicial Committee is to refuse to participate. Why let yourself be a pawn in their devious game? Nothing good will come of it. Answering ANY of their questions is a sure-fire trap. Just inform them that you won't be participating. Better yet, tell them to piss off and never come back. They are in reality just a bunch of uneducated, self-important nobodies.
The best way to debate JW's without being labeled an apostate
by cookiemaster inhey guys!
here's what i found to be the best way (for me at least) to debate jw's without earning the laber of apostate.
this is mostly valid when debating jw's that don't know you personally, but it could help with those that do too.
Ask a JW this: 'Name just one belief of the Witnesses that you personally disagree with'. Then ask: 'Have you personally researched every JW teaching to prove to yourself that it is true based on the Bible, not just on JW literature?'
What a perfect way to entice young people into becoming JWs.....
After Six Months of Hiatus, I can tell you the Watchtower is Starting to Crumble Faster than you think!
by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker ini took a hiatus from jwn because the wall started to collapse because i lost several people ive known almost my entire life.
these were people i thought would never die, the lies told by the watchtower is unforgivable!
there was a party i attended keeping a low profile while documenting what was said.
One of the true hallmarks of a CULT is that they manipulate their followers into working for free to bring in new prospects. Then when they are no longer able to do this they are discarded like last week's garbage. Anyone dumb enough to stay in the JWs will find this out the hard way.
When will the JW's start reversing?
by runForever ini think this sucker could start reversing membership within a few months..
Within the next 75-100 years, humans will merge with Artificial intelligence and will become largely post-biological beings. Human intelligence will be far surpassed by super-intelligent computers. Death willl largely become a relic of the past. Once intelligence is highly increased and lives are no longer subject to biological death, the need for religious superstition will fade. The trajectory for this happening is already well underway. Human intelligence is already merging with technological intelligence. There's no stopping it.
Pope Francis: All dogs go to heaven
by NewYork44M ini always wonders, and now i know.
thank you pope francis.. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/12/world/europe/dogs-in-heaven-pope-leaves-pearly-gate-open-.html?action=click&contentcollection=sunday%20book%20review&module=mostemailed&version=fullion=marginalia&src=me&pgtype=article.
does this include the dogs that end up on the dinner table in some cultures?
As a friend of mine once said: 'It won't be Heaven unless our companion animals are there with us'.
Today Pope Francis tells kid dogs go to heaven!
by Witness 007 inthe pope told a distressed kid who lost his dog that "all god's creatures will go to paradise..." which has catholics asking do animals now have souls?
i hope i see my labrador again in paradise.
As a friend of mine once said: 'It wouldn't be Heaven if our animals weren't there.'