In South Africa there are meetings taking place at the KH's at this time involving Video hookup as well......Anyone know anything or is similar occurring in your neck of the woods this week-end ?? All involved not just the Elite Elders .
JoinedPosts by AFRIKANMAN
Extra-Ordinary Meetings taking place at Kingdom Halls at this hour....???
by AFRIKANMAN inin south africa there are meetings taking place at the kh's at this time involving video hookup as well......anyone know anything or is similar occurring in your neck of the woods this week-end ??
all involved not just the elite elders ..
A movie: "I ran away from Jehovah's Witnesses"
by sp74bb innov 13, 2016..
google translator:.
when sara told her parents that he no longer wanted to be a jehovah's witness, the father replied that he preferred the dead.
Nathan Natas 6 hours ago
A "pronoun poisoning" sign need to be posted here.
What is it you are suggesting? Que?
While it’s more common for English speaking learners of Spanish to confuse of forget the genders of Spanish nouns, native Spanish speakers often get confused when it comes to words like him, her, because the Spanish pronoun “su” represents both the masculine and the feminine.
i really hate all these "what if" posts
by nowwhat? inall these hypothetical questions about the organization's demise or what if god did this or that don't do anyone any good.
personal experiences.
info and insight about your congregation, circuit, area and the watchtower itself is what we need.
What if...................somebody posts a rant about the "What If " Posts here ................does it mean Armageddon is a lot nearer now ?
I absolutely agree with you nowwhat? it gets us no where quickly
Or the ...." My French poodle is starting to Meow .....does that mean I am demon possessed ?" ...posts
Worshiping a piece of stone
by FedUpJW intoday one of the members of the local congregation who is somewhat limited intellectually was showing off a small bit of cut granite stone.
as he did so he made sure to let everyone know that it was given to him by the congregation service overseer who just completed his second or third round of bragging rights slave labor at warwick.
he mentioned that, "brother _______ gave this to me as a piece of reality from warwick.
Its written in the Stone !
Is it Okay for a JW to be a Storm Chaser?
by Iamallcool ini am thinking about chasing storms for fun.
i know it is very dangerous.
i just think it will be very cool to have a new exciting hobby.
I beg to differ - We get a helluva lot of "twisters" on JW. Org ! Like overlapping generations Twister - a Cat 5 event !
Where is the Rebel.
by The Rebel inwho cares?.
the first time i was in distress with the watchtower, i was fortunate to find this place.
my ego thought ,i was somehow special, that my posts were reaching a worldwide audience, and most of all i felt at ease, maybe home is a better word.
I am in position now in which I apparently have to "move on" for the sake of my mental well-being. This was upon advice from the Psychologist [I am still under his assistance and mentoring following very severe depression etc starting 2010]
Its about completely letting go and completing a cycle of "re-minding" me brain. I now have to jump out of the plane and do the free-fall and it means consigning everything JW related to File 13 which includes the anti-matter too.
Gotta admit coming here everyday - sometimes more than once a day - is an addiction. I think the main reason in more recent times was to catch the 'early-worms' of leaks and reports coming out of WT-ville. eg the AGM's and the JW-Leaks type things.
As I now fully see no more relevance in the WT movement, why bother about it. Happily my spouse and children have managed to dump it all.
So now I work on my 'addiction' [its been very pleasant and fulfilling some of the time and I definitely have gotten a lot out of being here] ...its also proven to be a comfort zone and perhaps many do find varying degrees of succour coming and being here.
Time to go cold-turkey!
Are speeding tickets issused in your area???
by James Mixon ini haven't seen anyone stopped for speeding on our freeways in some time.. wth it's dangerous out there, i'm driving 69-72 mph and someone pass me at 80-85 mph.. here in southern ca it,s crazy.
the speed limits are 65-70 mph.
i'am nervous as hell when i'am on the.
Our Highway limit is 120 km/h but we wipe out 13 000 people per annum in road accidents here in South Africa ....which kinda rivals certain war-zone death tolls ! [Population = 54 million]
We have Speed-Averaging on Highways and Freeways via camera and still have the Traffic Police doing laser based camera speed checking from "hide-outs' along the road.
As to lane-culture: Its non-existent on our roads and the emergency shoulders often become speeding lanes of death-defying traffic.
From this past weekend in my area :
Giant Leak of Offshore Financial Records Exposes Global Array of Crime and Corruption
by JHK inmillions of documents show heads of state, criminals and celebrities using secret hideaways in tax havens... [...].
what about watchtower society's holy money?.
Its big news down south as well with some dark figures from our side also involved !
Hiererchy among elders --so says Kenneth Flodin
by wannaexit inthere has always been a hierarchy among elders.
now it's been validated by kenneth flodin in this talk about the word "princes".
so not any elder can be a prince in the new order.
breakfast of champions - What if he is Gluten intolerant ?? -
"I hope Disfellowshipped ones do not attend the Memorial"
by AFRIKANMAN ind---head comment someone called jay witness on that forum-.
what a smug bunch of pharisees they breed !
"""it makes me feel odd to invite tons of worldly people who are obviously fornicators and idolaters and then not be able to even show a little love such as a "hello" to a disfellowshipped brother or sister.
D---Head comment someone called Jay Witness on that forum-
What a Smug bunch of Pharisees they breed !
"""It makes me feel odd to invite tons of worldly people who are obviously fornicators and idolaters and then not be able to even show a little love such as a "hello" to a disfellowshipped brother or sister. Does not compute mentally. Just sayin'
We should make the Memorial for baptized, active, approved members of in secret locations only. Less stress for me.
Jesus did not die for thier sins since they unrepentant and subsequently disfellowshipped.
How do you handle the disfellowshipped at the Memorial? """"