El Guapo - your story could be a ditto of mine.
I am now officially "inactive" but I still engage folk all the time - informally - speaking about and using the Bible - even following up with them. So they know I am "active" but not according to the Manual and this gets them really P---d off.
"Why dont you report the time?" the Secretary asks - "Because I dont keep track of the time - its not about the time - its about the event - the pleasure of the interchange - of hearing the other person express themselves openly" ................etc
In our household right now we are dealing with Cancer, Diabetes, Frail and bed-ridden Gran-ma and Depression and the last "shepherding call" was when the CO visited 5 months ago. The ones he schedules "cos as someone mentioned he fills in a report to the Sosatie.
I have only seen the inside of 3 of the 14 elders houses in 4 years. The only visit ie only time an elder has entered my home was with the CO. In the information age we live in - not even an SMS or E-mail - no phone calls and what we were always encouraged to do as Elders - you personally go and engage the inactive one with a visit and an invite to the meeting or out into the field.
I served as E for 15 years and enjoyed being a B+ Graded [you dont know that you get graded for DC's Talks???] DC speaker - Dramas and Manuscript talks. But I would not be able to give these new scripted 10 minute [including parroted interviews] jobs that we get fed.