"During harvest season, the weeds are destroyed and the wheat is gathered." "That harvest season began in 1914." "After 1914, the angels began to “collect” weed like Christians by separating them from the anointed “sons of the kingdom.” The angels “will pitch them into the fiery furnace. > "That means complete destruction." "those former adherents of false religious organizations will be destroyed during the final part of the great tiribulation" "Jesus judged them to be true Christian wheat - buthe rejected all imitation Christians, including all of those found within the churches of Christendom."
What's crazy to me is - they explain all this complicated seperating/choosing/gathering work beginning a century ago that would concern an entire generation of people that are now dead.
They are dead!! Obviously not very important to any everlasting kingdom purposes.
They seem to forget their own interpretation of Rom 6:7 - "For the one who has died has been acquitted from his sin."
So these dead folks - seperated/labeled/gathered/whatever - now have a clean slate before God because they paid the ultimate price. So none of this blather matters a hill of beans!
Idiots. Making up crap as they go. They better forbid education. It's the only way they will ever sell this crap.