At some point be it this summer or later I think Al Qaeda will attempt a biologcal, chemical or nuclear attack on the United States. If this occurs I think we will use nuclear weapons in retaliation against those states that have been previously indentified for their support of terrorism. Millions and perhaps tens of millions in the Muslim world will be dead. It will be an unprecidented tragedy.
Posts by edge3
Intro and anyone from SE Texas?
by pennycandy inhi, guys.
i've occasionally lurked around here for a year or so but have visited more frequently lately so i thought it time i intro myself.
i was a 3rd gen jw, married to a jw for many years, divorced, remarried a non-jw, and am now raising little non-jw's.
Hey there.
I live in Cypress TX. That's just on the northwest edge of Houston.
Who is the most famous person you know or have met?
by confusedjw in.
just wondering what experiences you good folks have had with the the famous (or infamous)?
A. J. Foyt - Probably the greatest race car driver ever.
Nancy Nguyen - A JW who spent many years in Chinese prisons. Portrayed as a great example by the Watchtower but sadly wasted her life for the cult.
Stop! Stop Or I Shall Shout "Stop" Again!
by Englishman injust a bit o' friday afternoon fluff.
a question for the 'mericans, of which we have one or two here.
you've probably communicated with more brits here than you had in all your life before joining this board.. leaving aside the stereo type brit of the movies, stiff upper-lip, unarmed policemen, morris minors and mini's, are we just as you expected us to be?.
Brits are great! I work with them everyday. I'm working on a project for BP right now. Seeing as it's the weekend I'll raise a pint for you tonight.
by meat pie inhello all... my younger son has just started to collect warhammer, and i am glad he didn't when i was a jw, it would be a no no i'm sure.i am not a lotr person, but these tiny chaps fascinate me.
i have never played a game with them, but the detail in them is amazing, i could get totally absorbed, wish they'd been around when i was younger - having said that of course adults 'do' warhammer too.anyone else collect/paint/game warhammer?
have any jw/warhammer tales to tell?.
My son has built and played WarHammer for the past couple of years. He enjoys role playing games and I got him started building models at a young age just as my father did with me. The key to WarHammer modeling is in the painting, especially using an ink wash to bring out the detail. The downside though is the cost. A kid can spend a tidy sum to build an army.
Atheist/'r e in good company
by badwillie infamous people who were also atheists:.
simon bolivar, revolutionary of venezuela.
abraham lincoln, president.
Calling that quote a strawman argument is is way over simplifing the issue. You know as well as I do you can neither prove or disprove the existance of God. I assume that is your point. However from a practical standpoint some folks, often very vocal atheists, act as though science has done that very thing. It can't but that's the way they act. That is obviously what Bruce Alberts is saying in his quote that you refer to. If you have a problem with the quote discuss it with him. Perhaps he's wrong. Perhaps the National Academy of Science picked a guy who makes or supports strawman arguments as it's President.
As an example of people acting this way look at what logansrun is saying earlier in this thread, that as people gain more knowledge it becomes harder to put faith in a God. What knowledge is he refering to? Knitting? :O) Obvoiusly knowledge about the material world. The point of Miller's book is both sides, the creationists who think evolution threatens theism and atheists who attempt to use evolution to bolster their position, have it wrong. You may or may not agree with that but the book looks at boths sides a gives a fresh view of evolution as good science that actually supports a theistic view of the world. The reason I raised the issue of logan being biased is that when he mentioned the book he only brought up half of what the book is about. At any rate if you haven't read the book I highly recommend it. If you do read it would you please explain it to logansrun? You may have more patience than I do. ;-)
Powerful Lines from Powerful Movies
by dh inla amistad
cinque speaking of his ancestors.
"i will call into the past from back to the beginning of time and beg them to come and help me at the judgment.
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here... this is the War Room!" :O) - from Dr. Strangelove
Atheist/'r e in good company
by badwillie infamous people who were also atheists:.
simon bolivar, revolutionary of venezuela.
abraham lincoln, president.
Why did you not address my point about your bias? The way you answer (or don't answer) you would do well in politics. If you actually read the book and failed to see it was critical of both creationist and atheist camps, which was the whole point of the book, then it is useless to have a discussion with you.
From the back cover:
"[Dr. Miller] takes issue with those scientists who claim that modern science has disproved God."
"Finding Darwin's God is an artfully constructed argument against both those who deny evolution and those using science to justify a materialist worldview."
Those comments about the book were made by the president of the National Academy of Science and a Biology Prof at U of California. I guess in your world they just have poor reading comprehension.
Atheist/'r e in good company
by badwillie infamous people who were also atheists:.
simon bolivar, revolutionary of venezuela.
abraham lincoln, president.
No you didn't say that there are no contemporary scientists who are Christians but your original comment was certainly biased in that direction. "Finding Darwin's God" is not only an expose on ID but also an expose on atheists who dishonestly use Darwin as a support for atheism. In your comment about the book why did you fail to mention that? Is it more bias or did you only read part of the book? If you did read it all you would know that Miller is a devout Roman Catholic. Sounds pretty "traditional" to me.
Atheist/'r e in good company
by badwillie infamous people who were also atheists:.
simon bolivar, revolutionary of venezuela.
abraham lincoln, president.
To say that only scientists of the past were Christians is pure ingorance. While being an atheist or agnostic may be more common today there are those who work in the sciences today who are theists. Two that come to mind are Kenneth Miller a biology professor at Brown University and Francis Collins Director of the Human Genome Research Institute. The first scientist I ever knew personally was a devout Christian. He is the father of a childhood friend of mine and quite a fine chemist.
I work for a major engineering firm that employees well educated people with degrees ranging from B.S. to Phd's. As far as I can tell many if not most of them are theists.
Additionally you may want to look at the lives of those in the list at the top of this thread. Frank Lloyd Wright for example while being a great and one of my favorite architects was a scoundrel in his personal life. He had no problem screwing the wives of his clients while he designed homes for them. He felt he was simply above any morals of the common man.