Hey Vince,
I wish you well and hope to see you back again here. Really like your posts! And I think I understand the feeling about forums... been on a lot of forums, but sometimes it's hard to stay detached and don't take things personal.
But in fact all it is, is just blacks signs on a white screen... the emotions triggered are inside of ourselves... And that's the only thing that matters: taking care of our own 'inner world', giving it the time and space to heal. Everything that happens outside can only have an impact if we allow it to. Some people get scared of a spider, but lots of people don't have that fear. What makes the scared people scared? The spider? NO, it's their own fears, thoughts, memories, anything coming from their own minds! The spider has nothing to do with it.
Same goes for anything and everything in our lives that seem to come from outside of us and hurt us.
That's what I've learned the last decade... change your inner world, then your outer world will change along!
But don't take my word for it, if it resonates with you just give it a try. If it doesn't, then just ignore me
With love ,