Ah, back at the old statement again: being raped is your own fault. You'd better dress in long skirts and long sleeved blouses. Tell you something sauloftarsus, most women being raped are raped indoors by men they know very well! Better think before you start blabbing along.
JoinedPosts by Bruja-del-Sol
ACTUALLY any form of pants are wrong wrong wrong!!
by hamsterbait intight pants - tempting the gays to chase you: you cannot resist their advances bad bad bad!!!!!!!!!!!!.
baggy pants - in a 1993 witchtower baggy pants were a sign you are a rapper : bad bad bad!!!!!!!!!!.
pants just right?
Getting bariatric surgery in March!
by marmot inafter being on a waiting list for three and a half years i've finally reached the light at the end of the tunnel and am going under the knife for a gastric sleeve operation in march.
i can't tell you how pumped i am because i'll finally be able to re-take my life after being severely overweight for several years.
i gained a ton of weight after being put on meds for bipolar disorder and it made exercising a painful chore.
Wishing you the best of luck and hope you'll reach your goals after the operation. I can imagine it's hard to be on chocolate shakes.... once I've tried the Cambridge diet, a lot of shakes as well... YUK!!! But you just hang in there, shakes and all, you know it'll be worth it.
Observations about last nights meeting...
by DATA-DOG in... btw it was soooo boooorrrinnng!!!
draw close to jehovah(tm)/bookstudy:.
excruciatingly boring.
I feel pretty stupid, since I can't remember to have ever heard of 'Abbadon' before. I was a born-in and left at age 33, now 12 years ago... Who the h*ck was Abbadon before he was supposed to be Jesus???
Reading exJW then JW facebook sites can make you go crazy!
by ILoveTTATT init's absolutely amazing what exactly the same event can do to the jw community and the exjw community.. the difference is that the jw community does not think and has the expected response... we think and, of course, have the exact opposite response as the jw's.. take for example the march km with the "will this be the last?
here are some comments from a jw site:.
wow it comes like that in the km?
It's like holding a carrot in front of a donkey, knowing it will never get to eat it... it just keeps him moving forward without questioning where he's going or how long it will take. Keep that carrot dangling! Gotta admit, the GB has lots of carrots and knows how to use them. The 'shonkeys' (sheep donkeys) just follow in pioneer pace...
List Reasons Why You Are Glad That You Are Out Of The JW Religion
by minimus inhere's a few from me.. no more having to go to stupid boring meetings.. no more having to go knock on doors in field service and waste my time!.
no more mind numbing elders meetings..
1. no longer the changing clothes in the evening and fighting with tights and/or skirts that don't really fit
2. no more field service
3. no more guilt over anything (music, clothes, thoughts, things you do, masturbation... to name a few)
4. no more emotional blackmail by my parents (they're both destructive narcissistic, although my mother is the worst)
5. no more elders telling me what I'm allowed to do
6. no longer having to call insincere people 'brother' or 'sister'
7. my children are free to live their lifes the way they choose
8. oh and let's not forget: being able to stay in bed on sunday mornings and not even think of 'meetings' anymore
9. no longer having to read the ridiculous WTS books and magazines
10. But most of all: living the life I choose, taking full responsibility for it and knowing it's the only life I've got, so I'll have to make the best of it. And the only one in charge for that is ME!
The Problem with FAMILY
by Separation of Powers ini woke up early this morning.
i had a dream that my mother had cut-me-off.
it was a painful dream for me...but it was only a dream.
I can understand what you're saying so well. My mother has cut me off, but the times that I cried over not having my mother when I needed her, I was actually crying that I never had a real loving, warm and caring mother at all. Our family was also very dysfunctional and I can also recall loving families in our congregations. My mother was always gossiping about them, how bad they were, how they thought they were better than others. One family in particular she really despised. Now my youngest sister is married to someone from that specific family. From what I've heard my mother now adores him and his parents (his father is an elder and my mother really hated the man when I was young). It really disgusts me when I hear these things and how she behaves now, as if she's always liked them...
I answer a P.M. Old memories
by Giordano inheres a pm id like to share concerning my story about pioneering where the need was great parts 1, 2, and 3.. hi giordano,.
ive enjoyed reading your story about going to a hall that had a need back in the 1960s.
one thing ive wondered though, what it is like going to a tiny little congregation like that.
Hey Giordano, I've read your story again and it's a nice read. The description of those bikers driving by, with long hair, tattoos and all... can imagine that this picture shook you up and made you realize you weren't really living inside the Borg. Sorry again for misreading at first, thanks for your patience
I answer a P.M. Old memories
by Giordano inheres a pm id like to share concerning my story about pioneering where the need was great parts 1, 2, and 3.. hi giordano,.
ive enjoyed reading your story about going to a hall that had a need back in the 1960s.
one thing ive wondered though, what it is like going to a tiny little congregation like that.
Thanks AnnOMaly, I've totally missed that . I'm sorry for misreading Giordano, my apologies.
I answer a P.M. Old memories
by Giordano inheres a pm id like to share concerning my story about pioneering where the need was great parts 1, 2, and 3.. hi giordano,.
ive enjoyed reading your story about going to a hall that had a need back in the 1960s.
one thing ive wondered though, what it is like going to a tiny little congregation like that.
I totally agree with DOC. If this person wanted to share this story in public, he would have done so himself. Even if there's no direct revealing info in it (the only one who can really judge that is the writer!), doesn't mean it's ok to post it in public, unless the writer himself has agreed to that.
I Am Home Today With A Lousy Back Ache
by minimus inmy lower back went out again.
typically, once every 9 months, i get a terrible spasm that can last for days.
right now, i am icing it but i am so sore!
Ibuprofen, does miracles for me when I have problems with my lower back. And I used to lie down, but recently I've learned it's best to keep moving and walking. Just no lifting things and not bending too often. Take your time to get your muscle back in 'relaxed mode' again.