not worrying about our material posessions and even our pets. He essentially said that god would take care of our pets for us. This was among the many small pushes that got me to realize TTATT. Even my wife afterwards said "I don't know if I could leave the dog at home alone" and she's not even particularly fond of the dog.
So he will take care of our pets??? Why the hell didn't he take care of all the ones that I"ve had that died? I am an animal lover. I can't stand to see a suffering animal. I have had animals that I loved more than some people love their own family members. There were times when I literally begged Jah to heal an animal of mine, only to have that animal die a slow death in my arms, or go into seizures and die, or drown in it's own lung fluids, etc.
Just a few days ago, one or our cats died. She was one of the most precious creatures I've ever known. When I would come home from work, she would sit and look me in the face as if she were just studying my face. If I picked her up, she immediatedly started purring. She was so sweet, gentle, affectionate. She got sick. Was on two different antibiotics. I had to force-feed her. She finally died. Took her a week to die. Broke my heart. I begged Jah to help. No help came.
Why doesn't he take care of the animals in the wild who live 24hrs a day in fear looking over their shoulders watching for predators. Think about the horror that goes on on the plains of Africa in one single night - the sheer brutal, savage horror. Nature is cruel. And Jah's going to take care of Fluffy? He didn't even take care of my grandfather who so desperately wanted to see the end and lived many decades as a very devoted, sacrificing JW.