It really is nothing close to what it used to be. It would be a joke to me had it not ruined my life. Now, I am furious at it.
The information age has really damaged JWdom. It should be the other way around. An organization that loves truth and has it should love the interconnectedness and widespread availability of info, but JWdom hates it. The internet has exposed it and shown how weak and puny it is. It's playing the website game now only because it realized it had to. At first, it didn't want anything to do with the internet.
I agree with you about those drinking the Kool-Aid. I have three close family members who are JWs and who I always thought were smart, knowledgeable, and mostly level-headed, but they're gulping it down. I just told my wife that I can't conceive of how they can't see what we do. I have some other JW family members who are clueless; I can see why they're still in.