I remember back in the 80s how everyone was looking forward to yearly report. Elders would go up to podium, all excited, and read the report. Rest of congregation could point out different numbers in report they thought interesting.
I was there and I remember that time vividly. It's sad to me. Back then, I thought the "new world" was imminent and I never dreamed of growing old. It's all gone now - my hope, my youth, the excitement, the religion I once would loved and would have died for, etc. - all gone.
We were the small one who was becoming a mighty nation. We were associated with locusts who were swarming, climbing walls, etc.; we thought our "locust-like" preaching work was serving as a bold warning to an entire world about to be violently destroyed. We were proud to be known as "Jehovah's Witnesses".
Now... just look. The once seemingly strong religion is now weak, cowardly, & puny. Any preaching that still exists is lame and unclear; it is now snail-like. JWs have nowhere near the depth they used to have. We used to think GB members were like dignified, scholarly monks who pored over the Scriptures in the original languages by candlelight late into the night seeking enlightenment. However, we've now seen behind the curtain and we see them as clueless, embarrassing buffoons.
Yep, I remember those days when we looked forward to those reports. Now, I look forward to them for different reasons and with a different mindset.