It is shocking to me that the religion I once loved and would have died for has become what it is now. Consider the three new Ireland business entitties with their top gun executives and the appointing of Jody Jedele to the governing body. The JW leaders and/or their advisors must realize that they've lost as a religion. It seems that they are almost blatantly turning the religion into a full-on business. In the 70's or 80's, somebody like Jody would not have even been remotely considererd as being GB material. Please watch the video below; it's only 2.5min long. It is referred to in the video OnTheWayOut posted.
This was Jody in 2012 - just twelve years ago. Instead of his mind's being completely on the Kingdom, this is what it was on - at least somewhat. He was involved in commercial real estate. He comes across as not just one who did real estate part-time to support a full-time ministry, but who one put great effort into commercial real estate and now he's a GB member. Somebdy commented somewhere (I think on YouTube) and said something like "I can imagine a GB member approching Jody and saying "You know, if only you were partaking, you'd almost be guaranteed a spot on the GB [hint, hint; wink, wink)."" That person then indicated that he'd love to know when Jody actually started partaking.
So, that's what Jah wants on the GB now? Not longtime, highly experienced, greatly sacrificing fulltime servants, but commercial real estate dudes??? Putting Jody's appointment together with the formation of the Ireland entities and the recruting of the high level executives for them, I've come to the conclusion that the org wants to become a self-sustaining Berkshire Hathaway type entity. I believe that If it's not already there, it could reach a point at which it will have enough funds and real estate that it coud have enough invested with good enough returns that it could survive without any donations from the rank and file. I think the leaders foresee the decline and weakening as a religion, so they're going this route in order to survive.
Fairly recently, I thought the org was going to crash and burn because it is so weakening as a religion, but now I believe that if it pursues this investment route, it could continue on indefinitely and maybe even thrive as a business.
So, Sophia has to give up her ice cream money, but GB members can be involved in real estate (Jedele & Lett) and drink top shelf Scotch (you know who),
The old JWdom that had at least a semblance of sincerity, dignity, concern for theology, and concern for spiritual things is truly gone.