Great Point Shirley.. Nice Link also searcher..
Try this link.. It will show MOST of the financials for all congregations that are listed on this website.
towards the end of last year, the witnesses in scotland had their own assembly hall opened in the town of livingston, near edinburgh the capital.. this was achieved no doubt by blood, sweat, and tears by many over a very long period - as well as by donations of witnesses from all over scotland and its islands, not forgetting the levy per publisher imposed on all the congregations in the guise of "donations"!.
was the org grateful for the sacrifices which were made to bring a great "shout of praise" to whoever?
Great Point Shirley.. Nice Link also searcher..
Try this link.. It will show MOST of the financials for all congregations that are listed on this website.
please don't attack me if this is the wrong place!
i know that i definitely shouldn't be on this website, but i am to embarassed to ask anyone at my hall!
everyone would be so nice, but i just feel like i should know the answers already.
Mosis - It's really awesome that you have a desire to Serve Jehovah..Whether you decide to serve him in the Kingdom Hall, or not please remember that your loyalty should always be to God and no one else. Along your spiritual Journey you will encounter many individuals or organizations biding for your time, your mind and your devotion.. Do not follow anyone except for Jehovah! Do not follow any example except for Jesus' example.
You absolutely are good enough, to be accepted by Jehovah, and your thinking that you Are not acceptable is proof that you are acceptable.
Luke 14:11 - " For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted."
2 Samuel 22:28 " You save the humble, but your eyes are on the haughty to bring them low."
Humility & Love are the 2 most important qualities that you can develop..
If I can give you some very valuable advice.. Pray to Jehovah honestly, and sincerely and ask him to lead you to the Truth, make a promise to him that you willl follow his direction ANYWHERE it leads you.. if you pray this and mean it, you will quickly understand who Jehovah truly is.
i was watching a video on youtube about chistianity and its founding and it came to my attention that the city of nazareth did not even excist when jesus was said to be alive.
it was'nt really anything accept a cemetary until about 200 ad.
so just like the city of goshen were the israelites were said to be from when they left egypt during the exodus, looks like another major flaw in the bible..
Can you please post a link to the video crazy?
if this were the "organization" that jesus chose in 1914.. err 1919, wouldn't the principles that he laid out while on earth apply to this organization as well?.
matthew 5:42 "give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.".
so if jw's all asked for loans from the org, every now and then, it would be the orgs responsibility to grant those loans (interest free).
Lol @ logcon
as of june 01,2014, please what do you think in term of us dollars, is the current net worth of the watchtower society?.
70000 Kingdom Halls x AveragE Worth of 75000 = Over 5 Billion.
as of june 01,2014, please what do you think in term of us dollars, is the current net worth of the watchtower society?.
At least One Thousand Dollars
if this were the "organization" that jesus chose in 1914.. err 1919, wouldn't the principles that he laid out while on earth apply to this organization as well?.
matthew 5:42 "give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.".
so if jw's all asked for loans from the org, every now and then, it would be the orgs responsibility to grant those loans (interest free).
Yeah nice try outlaw.. You and your fancy Gifs and JPEGs won't get you out of this one.
if this were the "organization" that jesus chose in 1914.. err 1919, wouldn't the principles that he laid out while on earth apply to this organization as well?.
matthew 5:42 "give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.".
so if jw's all asked for loans from the org, every now and then, it would be the orgs responsibility to grant those loans (interest free).
Maybe I can "donate" 50% of the War Machine Making Company that me and my friend started, from a WBTS loan? The company is called, Randal Camdal.
i'm not talking about a individual, but a congregation as a whole.. i'm talking about a brother or sister that really hit hard times.. have there ever been an occasion where the brothers (elders).
decided to dip into the kh funds and help one in need????.
example, brother loose his job, get evicted, family of four or.
i was an elder in prescott for many years... anyone now out from there?
Hey Guys,
Ducatijoe is not a "Spying Elder" .. I confirmed it Through PM.
you can believe me or not, but I guarantee that he is not.