This is a haiku about going out in Field Service as a Jehovah's Witness:
A suit
Clacks on hot concrete -
Hot Air
this is a haiku about going out in field service as a jehovah's witness:.
a suit.
clacks on hot concrete -.
This is a haiku about going out in Field Service as a Jehovah's Witness:
A suit
Clacks on hot concrete -
Hot Air
has the botchtower discouraged or spoken against members using the internet?.
satan / devils environment & all that j.w bs!.
august 2011 study edition watchtower the internet is a plug like the snake in eden.
i actually called bethel a few weeks ago and i was shocked that i actually got thru to the writing dept.
i was abit nervous but i asked the jw writer if there was going to be a change in doctrine.
i thought he was going to immediately hang up on me thinking "apostate caller" but he was actually nice and we talked for a while.
hello there i am new to the faith and have been studying for about a month.
i am very excited and hungry for the truth and have not missed a meeting or study since the memorial.
we do about 2 bible studies a week.
You know what I think this is all a social experiment from some college kids or such. She met 3 or so witnesses at the ymca? Of all the
places to say you met witnesses why ymca? Then they had a 'sick relative'. That's pretty convenient for giving yourself sometime to research stuff. And of
course she has apologies to keep the readers engaged. I'm callin it. BS. Watch for more randomly timed comments with great space inbetween them. Seriously
anybody can probably come on here and comment in under a minute. You don't have time? take 1 minute away from your sleep you'll be fine.
She goes on to make this strange comment
"when i "stumbled" across this site i thought it was a "support group" for witnesses"
Why would you be looking for a support group for witnesses if you were just studying? Did a witness beat you up or something?
i know its very common for jws and ex jws to deal with depression.
maybe it's a side effect of cognitive dissonance or the whole outlook on life being a jw.
but what are some ways to cope with depression?
If you have clinical mental problems getting drugs probably would help(there are multiple drugs so if one doesn't help another might). There are some promising drugless therapies being tried such as magnetics and deep mind stimulation you might want to research.
I don't know how bad your mental condition is but finding out if it's serious or not by talking to a professional might be a good step.
Otherwise. Exercise, cut fast food out, eat healthy and drink water. Make sure you get your electrolytes in with things like ultima replenisher.
Avoid canned food and anything with BPA or similar in things such as canned food, or clear tupperware. The less pollution the better you'll feel although you might feel terrible if you try a juice detox diet which might release too much toxins at once - better to go gradual on that.
Mentally if something is too stressful stop thinking about it. Take time to relax your mind regularly. If exercise is too much at first try stretching and
then work up to exercise. Cardio works good. Avoid stressful and negative people if possible. I hear people who believe in God are happier but
you'll have to look into that yourself.
I am not a doctor these are just things I researched myself.
they use vile hate speech towards the victims of the cult who leave and speak out to warn others .. .
words like.
haters of god.
No hate here.
in harmony with acts 6:1-7, what is the gb giving back to the r&f?
the post about the cos being retired and recent wt articles about caring for older ones made me think.
the gb is doing everything to cut costs while at the same time asking for more sacrifices.
obey and give money
with regard to the permission of certain blood fractions, what biblical basis is the watchtower's selection of approved and non-approved components or fractions made?.
two key words here: biblical basis.
one answer by a jw caught my attention: .
It was very obscure but they do have a reason.. Something like the way blood naturally separates in a centrifuge. The 4 main components supposedly
separate from the rest.
It is hard to find but I read it somewhere.
for any christians, i'd like to get your opinion.. i believe that all organized religions are a part of babylon the great.
this includes the jw organization, in my opinion.. what do you feel is required to "get out of her"?would disasociation / disfellowshipment be appropriate?if one chose not to dissasociate himself, would it be wrong to still attend meetings with the hope of turning some to the bible?when jesus speaks of the scribes & pharisees do you feel that these could be compared to the elders or the gb?if the scribes and pharisees are among the religions of babylon the great, what would be the signifigance of jesus words at matther 23:2,3?
" "2the scribes and the pharisees sit on moses seat, 3so practice and observe whatever they tell youbut not what they do.
Matt 23 has been researched by a hebrew scholar - Nehemiah Gordon. When Jesus said the scribes and pharisees sit in the seat of Moses that was an actual chair in the synagogue so the original hebrew was something like " 2 “The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat, 3 so practice and observe whatever he tells you—but not what they do. For they preach, but do not practice. " So he was saying do whatever Moses tells you through the torah but not all the tedious oral traditions of the pharisees.
wilton, m.d.negativo7golden ageoctober 12, 1921, p.9doctorpositivo8golden ageoctober 12, 1921, p.9-10a.m.
wilton, m.d.negativo9golden ageoctober 12, 1921, p.10-12l.w.
lamson, ph.d.negativo97golden ageapril 12, 1933, p.440generalnegativo98golden agenovember 8, 1933, p.90generalnegativo99golden agenovember 22, 1933 p.122generalnegativo100golden agedecember 20, 1933, p.178-179generalnegativo101golden agejanuary 17, 1934, p.242generalnegativo (positivo para las transfusiones)!102golden agemarch 14, 1934, p.372generalnegativo103golden agejune 6, 1934, p.568generalnegativo104golden ageaugust 1, 1934, p. 692generalnegativo105golden ageaugust 29, 1934, p.766generalnegativo106golden ageoctober 10, 1934, p.31generalnegativo107golden agejanuary 30, 1935, p.269generalnegativo108golden agemarch 27, 1935, p.409generalnegativo109golden agemay 8, 1935, p.493-494generalnegativo110golden agemay 8, 1935, p.505generalnegativo111golden agejuly 3, 1935, p.634generalnegativo112golden ageseptember 11, 1935, p.792generalnegativo113golden ageseptember 11, 1935, p.793-796dr.
wow had no idea how many references to not taking vaccines there were.