well one thing is it doesn't have rebar which can rust over long periods of time and crack the concrete. was it partly the engineering in arches and
no rebar more than the concrete mix itself?
these concrete walls in trajan's markets in rome are nearly 2000 years old and survived a major earthquake in 1349 ce.. .
caption: the concrete walls of trajan's markets in rome have stood the test of time and the elements for nearly 2,000 years.
they have even survived a major earthquake in 1349.. credit: photo courtesy of marie jackson, berkeley.
well one thing is it doesn't have rebar which can rust over long periods of time and crack the concrete. was it partly the engineering in arches and
no rebar more than the concrete mix itself?
maybe neither.
just noticed this network name in the list of nearby networks.. i'm wondering if this is a jw or dare i dream, a visitor of jw.net.
Hopefully retarded cartoon characters don't start invading your computer.
alot of people are saying god is cruel for killing the firstborns and animals and people in the ten plagues.
but didn't god achieve his goal of making nations and people be in fear of him?.
ADCMS: Surely you're correct 2 million people could not live in the wilderness. But there wasn't. At one time there could have been 500k Israelites in Egypt total and that is when Pharoah started killing the firstborns. The registry included dead ancestors. Abraham was gathered to his peoples after he was dead. It is possible that this is translated poorly by someone who thought they knew what the bible was saying. So it was probably alot less around 100k. In numbers Moses took a census of LIVING firstborns and only had 22k so there you go. Numbers 3:40-43.
the third bullet point there claims they baptize in jesus name.
i know the baptism questions never mention jesus once.. .
The third bullet point there claims they baptize in Jesus name. I know the baptism questions never mention Jesus once.
i was just doing a little research in this where it says "do not be judging.
" in matthew.. it looks like the connotation here is not judging if someone is doing right or wrong but judging the person themselves in a certain way.. such as reviewing all their actions and nitpicking them down.
reducing people down to what they do and then pronouncing a judgement upon them.. over and over again.. .
I was just doing a little research in this where it says "Do not be Judging." in matthew.
It looks like the connotation here is not judging if someone is doing right or wrong but judging the person themselves in a certain way.
Such as reviewing all their actions and nitpicking them down. Reducing people down to what they do and then pronouncing a judgement upon them.
Over and over again.
alot of people are saying god is cruel for killing the firstborns and animals and people in the ten plagues.
but didn't god achieve his goal of making nations and people be in fear of him?.
Doug: Yes it was adapted from Miriam to Mariam.
i have posted a handful of times so far.
i am seeking some ideas to plant some seeds with my nephew before he goes to patterson.. a little about me and the going away party where i will have an opportunity to plant these seeds.
i have a little freedom since i am the only relative that he is in communication with that spent some time at bethel.
I don't know. What would Jesus do?
alot of people are saying god is cruel for killing the firstborns and animals and people in the ten plagues.
but didn't god achieve his goal of making nations and people be in fear of him?.
stuckinarut2: Yes I would be worried if you were my neighbor. That is terror because you chose to be that way not that I chose to confront you.
15 july 1906 issue of the watch tower russell stated maria russell was the first who in 1894 "called attention to matt.
24:44-45, applying it to me at a meeting at allegheny and in another meeting with the new york church.
i demurred that i had not thought of the passage thus, and declined to make any personal application of it, although i could not deny the force of the argument....i urged great moderation in the making of any personal application" (p. r3811).
Maria Russell = Scam artist.
new member here so don't attack :d here is a couple questions i have been contemplating lately.. .
if jw isn't the right religion, then which one is?
or is it basically believe in god, the bible and you'll be fine?.
World you act honest but I suspect a shill. Anyhow on the chance you aren't and you believe in the bible here it goes. Luke 21:8
completely describes perfectly the governing body past and present. They are saying "the due time has approached! the due time has approached!"
So then doesn't Jesus condemn them? And what did Jesus say about what he said: " I don't speak of my own originality." So who was saying that?
So where does that put Jehovah's Witnesses? Hint: Lake of Fire burning forever.