I used to know one of the 144,000 but she became ill and felt too much under pressure and so gave it up. How do they come to think that they are one of the 144,000?
JoinedPosts by caroline77
Go therefore and make disciples!!!!!!!!!!
by DS211 in19 go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things i have commanded you.
i am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.. the wt claims this is a command given to jesus apostles to spread the word of christ (by extention right?
), one so profound to hhe wt that it encompasses its infastructure, its foundation to the works-based-salvation belief system.
Jesus sacrifice and animal sacrifice contradiction
by trackregister99 inromans 3:25 says that jesus sacrifice was applied to the past for sins forgives.. then why god request animals sacrifice like "shadow of the good things to come" (hebrews 10:1) if the jesus sacrifice forgive sins to the past.. the animal blood not have none value, because jesus sacrifice was applied to the past.. why sacrificies for forgive of sins was requested by god if romans 3:25 says that jesus forgive the sins to the past?..
The context in Job 19 v 25 is in the future.
What about psalm 23? "I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever" ?
Marriage In The New World
by Cold Steel inokay, here's the issue.
some people, even some jws, believe that in the new world they will be reunited with their spouses.
jesus, however, said that in the resurrection there would be no marriage or giving in marriage.
I have discussed this point of 3 groups with JW's at the door. To me, unrighteous is the same as wicked. I did not understand their point of view.
Marriage In The New World
by Cold Steel inokay, here's the issue.
some people, even some jws, believe that in the new world they will be reunited with their spouses.
jesus, however, said that in the resurrection there would be no marriage or giving in marriage.
That's my understanding of it, Patrick.
Why should God be interested in anyone who is not interested in Him?
Marriage In The New World
by Cold Steel inokay, here's the issue.
some people, even some jws, believe that in the new world they will be reunited with their spouses.
jesus, however, said that in the resurrection there would be no marriage or giving in marriage.
Those who are resurrected will be like the angels, who are a higher form of life. They do not have animal nature.
Jesus sacrifice and animal sacrifice contradiction
by trackregister99 inromans 3:25 says that jesus sacrifice was applied to the past for sins forgives.. then why god request animals sacrifice like "shadow of the good things to come" (hebrews 10:1) if the jesus sacrifice forgive sins to the past.. the animal blood not have none value, because jesus sacrifice was applied to the past.. why sacrificies for forgive of sins was requested by god if romans 3:25 says that jesus forgive the sins to the past?..
The concept of resurrection was around at the time of Job, who is believed to have been contemporary with Abraham. Job 19 v 26-27
Jesus sacrifice and animal sacrifice contradiction
by trackregister99 inromans 3:25 says that jesus sacrifice was applied to the past for sins forgives.. then why god request animals sacrifice like "shadow of the good things to come" (hebrews 10:1) if the jesus sacrifice forgive sins to the past.. the animal blood not have none value, because jesus sacrifice was applied to the past.. why sacrificies for forgive of sins was requested by god if romans 3:25 says that jesus forgive the sins to the past?..
trackregister, I believe that Christ's sacrifice gave forgiveness of sins only after his death, but at that time also became valid for those who had already died before his death. The animal sacrifices were needed before he died, because there was no other way at that time.
When Christ died, the curtain in the temple separating the holy place from view was torn from top to bottom, showing that man could now go directly to God without the need for mortal priests.
adamah, re Jephthah's daughter, God did not ask him to sacrifice her. He thought of that himself. He probably lived in an area where such things were normal.
Abraham was prevented from killing his son. God clearly did not want him to do it.
The incident with Saul's 7 descendants.. God did not ask for their deaths, and decided enough was enough only when they were given a proper burial.
Jesus sacrifice and animal sacrifice contradiction
by trackregister99 inromans 3:25 says that jesus sacrifice was applied to the past for sins forgives.. then why god request animals sacrifice like "shadow of the good things to come" (hebrews 10:1) if the jesus sacrifice forgive sins to the past.. the animal blood not have none value, because jesus sacrifice was applied to the past.. why sacrificies for forgive of sins was requested by god if romans 3:25 says that jesus forgive the sins to the past?..
It must have been really horrible in the area of the temple where the sacrifices were carried out, but was it any worse than our modern abattoirs? The killings would have been done as quickly and efficiently as possible as they would not have wanted fear crazed animals running around all over the place. A lot of the sacrificed animals were eaten, not just burned. Modern people are not used to killing their own dinner, but farming people are not so sentimental. I like a lamb chop myself, but could not kill an animal.
Intervention of God in Babel and why allow suffering explication contradiction
by trackregister99 inhello.. jehovah witnesses teaches that adam d ecided autonomous sovereignty and god choose let time elapse for demonstrate whether government is better: human government or divine government, allowing many suffering and blood in thousand years.. .
but, the human government received an intervention of god when he confused the languages ?
?at babel.
You have read it right, trackregister.
God is still in control of this earth.
He selected Abraham and made promises to him that he would have a lot of descendants, who would be a great nation.
He destroyed Egypt with the 10 plagues.
He made Saul king over Israel, and then David, and then a long line of kings.
He brought trouble on Israel because they were not obeying His laws, and had them conquered by the surrounding nations and carried off into captivity.
He brought some of them back to the land of Israel, but in AD70 He was so angry that He allowed the Romans to drive them out.
He has allowed them to go back to Israel over the last 100 years or so, and the state of Israel was set up in 1948.. but they still do not accept Jesus as their messiah.
Jesus said that there would be a time of trouble in Israel, and then he would return to Jerusalem to rule, and stop wars and violence.
Jesus sacrifice and animal sacrifice contradiction
by trackregister99 inromans 3:25 says that jesus sacrifice was applied to the past for sins forgives.. then why god request animals sacrifice like "shadow of the good things to come" (hebrews 10:1) if the jesus sacrifice forgive sins to the past.. the animal blood not have none value, because jesus sacrifice was applied to the past.. why sacrificies for forgive of sins was requested by god if romans 3:25 says that jesus forgive the sins to the past?..
Go back to the first sin in Genesis.
Adam and Eve sinned, and became too frightened to stand before God because they were naked.
God made them clothes of skins.
Animals had to be killed to make the clothes.
From then on, anyone who sinned could go to God if they sacrificed an animal.
The animals did not understand what was happening, so they were not perfect sacrifices.
Jesus sacrificed himself willingly, so his sacrifice was perfect. This put an end to animal sacrifices, so we do not do it today.
The animal sacrifices were 'types' or 'shadows' of Jesus' sacrifice.