You're not looking at the bigger picture. I have personal experience of what goes on in court with regard to the guilty party having the social workers backing, the courts backing and good legal representation. It's about their system, there are flaws in it. You have no idea what happened to my son and daughter at the hands of my ex and how SWs dealt with it. It had nothing to do with race. My experience is more valuable than anything you say. I know what the system is like and it's about abuse of power.
You have no idea what happened in court anywhere because you have never experienced or witnessed the court case. Social workers break up families and cause emotional harm and put children at risk of physical harm and abuse regardles of race. This to me is not a race issue and those that persist in saying it is are just diluting the problems with social workers today.
It's not just about one case LUHE, widen your knowledge base and look at all the media reports, not just one fundamentalist athiest talking nonsense.
Kate xx