JoinedPosts by KateWild
Special Report: Joel goes undercover at a KH
by RayPublisher infor those of you that are into activism you may enjoy this special report video.
here's the description from the jwstruggle youtube channel:.
my buddy joel the unwitness recently went undercover at a kingdom hall, armed with a notebook, regular clothes, and an american standard bible.
Marked to watch later -
I have no Real Friends!
by stuckinarut2 ini have come to a startling and sad realisation!.
i have no real friends!.
i have always been extremely active in every aspect of the org, since childhood.
Well Stuck,
Sorry to hear you might be getting df'd. It is very isolating. All the positive advice you have got on this thread I have tried. Has it worked yet? Not for me.
I still live in hope but I don't have high expectations of getting a circle of true friends. Posters make it sound easy, but the harsh reality is, it takes time to build lasting friendships.
Take care Stuck
Kate xx
Remember Those in Full-Time Service (1945 - 2015)
by jwleaks inthe saddest story ever told.
despite being childhood sweethearts, in the year 1941 they decided to postpone marriage and remain single and childless in this system so as to put the the theocracy first, albeit under the control of the watch tower society.. in the final pages of the children book john and eunice walk silently through the fields and stop by a great tree on the river bank where they had sometime before discussed their future plans.
the young lovers seat themselves down and look over the landscape.
I think more sisters stayed single for WT, I know of a few in my old cong. Very sad indeed.
Kate xx
WOW gotta check out this Charles Sinutko talk "Is It Proper to have doubts?"
by BU2B inso manipulaitve.
Very manipulative. I really am disturbed by the way he talks about JWs being DF'd for apostasy and other brothers and sisters feel for them. Sinutko then goes on to say, "well you don't know all the facts". This is the big problem with shunning, no one ever knows the full facts it's all covered up.
This is why the internet is so therapeutic, people can tell their story, we can get the full picture and the more we do the more we realise others have the same story as us. In this way we get all the facts.
Kate xx
Hi everyone, this is my first post.
by John Aquila inhey everyone, this is my first post.
i was contacted by the witnesses in1965, baptized in that same year at age 15. i was appointed an elder in 1975 and served as an elder for 20 years..
it hasnt been long since i learn ttatt and when i totally woke up.
Hi John,
Welcome to the board. I am so sorry when you went to close friends and family about 607 they accused you of apostasy straight away. If you have lost all your close friends and family what possible reason are you fading for?
That part of your story seems a bit confusing. It's a shame you didn't come here when you first started having doubts and you could have had a smoother exit.
Kate xx
Dear typer-ers, you're doing it wrong!
by Simon inthere are many things wrong with the world, many injustices and crimes committed.
what if we could stop one of them?
wouldn't it make the world a slightly better place?
Well I must say Simon, I think over all I obey the typing rules, and I do skip posts that have a bad layout, but really aren't you being a little OCD about it.
You have mentioned it before and I don't think you're going to change those who don't use proper layouts.
I may be wrong though.
Kate xx
by atheist_R_stupid inbeing that this is not "ex jws" and in fact, more driven by atheists talking a bunch of crap, im not even going to address you people like you know anything about jws because you dont.
nor am i going to assume you know the bible because none of you do.. and yes, im speaking down at you all because you men have actually went out your way to make a site to speak down at an entire group of people.
yet i bet you cant even handle a single uswer talking down at you, like you talk down about jws can you?.
Goodbye ARS it was strange having you here. Your anger on this site was unjustified. I am a believer, but I don't hate atheist's or generalise that they are stupid.
I am an xJw and come here for support and to give support to those struggling. You are wrong about this site because you didn't take the time to get to know us all.
Kate xx
Four JWs you should know..
by OUTLAW inthe outside world is noticing:.
the watchtowers "jehovahs witness" cult... the watchtowers "governing body" jehovahs witnesses pray for... and... the people who expose them... .
dr. james a. beverley.
Very interesting article. Thanks Outlaw.
Kate xx
what type of faith do you REALLY want?
by atheist_R_stupid ini find that when talking people who say they "used to be a jehovah's witness" they say words that show they have in fact, never been one.
it's like a man that worked for the post office for 30 years in a main major urban hub like chicago or new york... and you ask him, "in your last position, what was your rdo?
" and the man says "whats an rdo?".
OMG what another silly OP.
Who the heck is this new poster. Such silly arguments, and with no goal or purpose. Really ARS, what are you trying to achieve to tell a forum full of current and ex JWs that we are not genuine about our circumstances?
I can't really believe that people like this exist.
Kate xx
Explaining away the increase in anointed
by lurkernomore inso i was just informed by my wife that her grandmother (who's also out) has been told by a 'sister' from her old hall that during their most recent circuit visit the co said something along the lines of:.
isn't it faith strengthening that the number of anointed is falling in relation to the increase in publishers?
I very much doubt that statement is true, the increase of publishers is negligible. The increase of partakers is noticeable. The fact is the number has been increasing for over ten years and it was only last year that the GB made them redundant.
They have no purpose now.
It's all nonsense!!!
Kate xx