He doesn't even answer the question..... Was there a global flood? He just assumes that all readers believe there was.
Kate xx
well they actually do cutting-edge research and publish peer-reviewed papers (well, reviewed by other creationists actually).
here is a recent example by "dr" danny faulkner on whether the flood lasted for 371 or 365 days..... you will always remember where you were when you first heard of this leap in human knowledge.. spoiler alert - he concludes it doesn't matter either way.
the nobel prize committee have been alerted!.
He doesn't even answer the question..... Was there a global flood? He just assumes that all readers believe there was.
Kate xx
allow me to begin with a clarification: when i say i am one of jehovah's witnesses, i don't mean that i am an advocate of the watchtower society or a devotee of some of its more controversial false teachings.
i mean that i am a christian, a disciple of jesus christ dedicated to jehovah god, and who remains in union with my brothers and sisters who make up the family of faith that globally refers to itself as jehovah's witnesses.
some totally understand the distinction between the family of brothers and sisters and the corporate organization known as the watchtower society (wts).
Brother Jeremy,
I think you may have severe cognitive dissonance. When I was waking up to TTATT I too felt I could be a JW but not follow the WT and just follow the Bible.
I understand why you feel that. I was confused and hurt and suffered injustices and I lost my family.
But going to meetings is all about reading WT publications that cherry pick bible scriptures....so I couldn't do it any more.
Take Care Jeramy.
Kate xx
hey everybody, been here lurking for years now... i tired of all the gb 2.0 shit and need to fade successfullydo we have a guide, i am very tempted to go out with a bang, but i want my wife with me, she aint a strong witness and would happily trust me ... i love her a lot.
status as of now,,, read coc isocf, been through jw facts and am convinced this religion is bs, also a ms now :( damn.
One poster on here became an incompetent MS. He started to always be late and make lots of mistakes. He told them he was having some difficulties and had taken the matter to Jehovah.....they finally suggested he step down
Kate xx
i've just signed up two days ago, but i've been lurking for about a year and a half.
here's my story if you're interested:.
my parents converted when they were in their first semester of college.
I feel for you so much Miss Behaving.....I can't believe you are sleeping in a hall way. Your parents should be ashamed of themselves.
Good for you that you are bettering yourself and working two jobs and going to college.
I hope you find a place to live soon. But I admire your integrity....I couldn't fake it either once I read jwfacts.com and COC.
Kate xx
on another thread a poster made the comment that the golden rule was garbage.
she said it was arrogant and made assumptions.. i didn't want to derail that thread so i started another wondering if this is a common thought about this belief on this forum.
i guess i naively thought the value of doing to others as you want them to do to you was generally accepted as positive.. i understand people have different opinions of jesus as a person but i don't want to get into that here.
hey so i'm new on here.
just wanted to introduce myself.
in my 20's and was rasied one, and very popular among the jw community.
Welcome Tony, sorry to hear what you've been through. My daughter is your age 22, and left WT about two years ago and is struggling with friends. She has a good job, she is going to work on a kids summer camp, and when she gets back she is going to do a weekend job in a restaurant to work with people her own age to find friends.
Social life outside WT is much slower and it takes time to adjust to the slower pace.
Kate xx
on another thread a poster made the comment that the golden rule was garbage.
she said it was arrogant and made assumptions.. i didn't want to derail that thread so i started another wondering if this is a common thought about this belief on this forum.
i guess i naively thought the value of doing to others as you want them to do to you was generally accepted as positive.. i understand people have different opinions of jesus as a person but i don't want to get into that here.
When I was a witness I questioned the golden rule and I thought you should treat people how they wanted.....but someone said to me how about Hitler....does treating Hitler how he wants bring happiness and justice?
Well obviously not, Hitler should have obeyed the Golden Rule...the Golden Rule is the best benchmark of how to treat others in my opinion xx
Kate xx
this has nothing to do with my facebook endeavors.
when the elders visited us last week, they also discussed my father.
my mother called them about him.
It's good that you plan to find somewhere else for your mum to live. She needs peace and calm, but she might be lonely so stay in touch and visit regularly. But have your own life too once you know she is safe.
Kate xx
having recently had an "awakening" - not from reading awake .... i realize i can not preach doctrines i do not believe anymore .
but i do not want the elders to start following my every move, because i also have plans to check other christian denominations.. so i am thinking, should i chat for an hour or two with an old visit and report the hours, should i tell the elders i have some doubts and i do not want to preach for now or should i just stop reporting and avoid the elders attempts to talk to me?
what do you think is the best sollution to get away with this?
I understand the emotional torment of being isolated, it's a good idea to find friends and associates outside the WT before you leave. I did not do this and it was a real challenge for me. But I feel less isolated now things have come together for me.
Kate xx
if you were/are in the sydenham (melbourne/victoria) congo you may be very familiar with this a few years back.
a prominent elder who likes the sound of his own voice (hint, his initials are william saad) yes of quite a well connected family, was on a judicial committee who was disfellowshiping one of his own male relatives for repeated marijuana usage.. this story by the way shows how corrupt the whole system is.
as williams family (elders and c/o) had covered up the previous few sorrid outcomes of his drug usage, they couldn't contain the last public viewing of his drug dependency, witnessed by many witnesses ironically... so they held a jc to disfellowship him.
Hypocrites.....if they're not going to obey the rules of shunning they should leave WT....they are making things worse for everyone else who is staying stuck in just for family
Kate xx