Sorry I don't believe the reusing condom story freemind......that's going too far lol xx
Kate xx
i was just thinking of something i observed on a visit to bethel some years back, that at the time struck me as odd, but now that i look back on it, it might be revealing about their financial situation.
please feel free to agree/disagree with me and also bear in mind this is some years back so my memory may be sketchey.
i remember walking into the front entrance of the bethel to do a tour.
Sorry I don't believe the reusing condom story freemind......that's going too far lol xx
Kate xx
imagine that the cult decided to stop shunning family members on the proviso that the dfd person was not actively trying to attack the cult.. (please don't debate whether or not this is likely - it's hypothetical).
how would you respond to your family?.
personally i think i would be less than cooperative.
A better question would be would you welcome with open arms a family member who had shunned you if they had just learned TTATT?
Kate xx
imagine that the cult decided to stop shunning family members on the proviso that the dfd person was not actively trying to attack the cult.. (please don't debate whether or not this is likely - it's hypothetical).
how would you respond to your family?.
personally i think i would be less than cooperative.
Hey cofty,
If they stopped shunning tomorrow I think it would depend on the family member that shunned me and their circumstances as to whether or not I would have regular close contact with them.
Thankfully my parents were never JWs so they don't shun me and my kids stopped believing when I was Df'd my teenage son learned TTATT at 11 and my adult daughter faded at 19.
If either of my children would have shunned me I would forgive them in an instant and use that time to show them TTATT so if things change again they won't shun me.
If my parents shunned me and we're healthy and financially stable I don't think I could forgive them....but if they were elderly and vulnerable I would forgive them to help them in their hour of need.
It's a good question but I can't really say with all conviction because I love my family and we are very close despite WT shunning policies.
Kate xx
i just wanted to introduce myself and say a big hello to all of my mentally diseased friends.. i say friends because i have been lurking for some time so it feels like home (us lurkers are a bit scared and cautious so it takes a while).
i won't bore you with too many details, but i am a born in, currently serving as the cobe of a congregation.
my wife and i have pioneered for the last 10 years and were shaken awake by that ridiculous 15th july 2013 wt about the generation and 1914.. my wife who is much smarter than me has questioned for years.
Welcome iwasblind, it's great that you both have come to realise the falsehood. But that was almost two years ago, you are both pioneering and you are still the cobe.....I don't understand how you do this. You are both in positions that you're teaching others something you don't believe.
I have belonged to two congregations and in both the cobe and his wife lorded their position over the flock and had all the best items during meetings and assembly's.
Do you feel the need to fade or stop going? Or will you continue to fake it for family?
Kate xx
i saw a rumor a few weeks ago on reddit that the new imitate jesus convention is supposed to present new light and clarified understandings on the disfellowshipping/disassociation practices.. supposedly, if this rumor has any truth to it, there will be a talk given at the convention about how we should not be strict like the pharisees in how we shun people, loosening up some of the jw rules about this practice.. has anyone here heard anything about this or have more info on it?.
Things are not going to change with regard to shunning there may be a new thought that everyone gets excited about but things will by and large just stay the same.
I can't see it that I walk into a KH and be greeted it's not going to happen.
My immediate family doesn't practice shunning and thankfully that's what really counts.
Kate xx
well they actually do cutting-edge research and publish peer-reviewed papers (well, reviewed by other creationists actually).
here is a recent example by "dr" danny faulkner on whether the flood lasted for 371 or 365 days..... you will always remember where you were when you first heard of this leap in human knowledge.. spoiler alert - he concludes it doesn't matter either way.
the nobel prize committee have been alerted!.
He doesn't even answer the question..... Was there a global flood? He just assumes that all readers believe there was.
Kate xx
allow me to begin with a clarification: when i say i am one of jehovah's witnesses, i don't mean that i am an advocate of the watchtower society or a devotee of some of its more controversial false teachings.
i mean that i am a christian, a disciple of jesus christ dedicated to jehovah god, and who remains in union with my brothers and sisters who make up the family of faith that globally refers to itself as jehovah's witnesses.
some totally understand the distinction between the family of brothers and sisters and the corporate organization known as the watchtower society (wts).
Brother Jeremy,
I think you may have severe cognitive dissonance. When I was waking up to TTATT I too felt I could be a JW but not follow the WT and just follow the Bible.
I understand why you feel that. I was confused and hurt and suffered injustices and I lost my family.
But going to meetings is all about reading WT publications that cherry pick bible I couldn't do it any more.
Take Care Jeramy.
Kate xx
hey everybody, been here lurking for years now... i tired of all the gb 2.0 shit and need to fade successfullydo we have a guide, i am very tempted to go out with a bang, but i want my wife with me, she aint a strong witness and would happily trust me ... i love her a lot.
status as of now,,, read coc isocf, been through jw facts and am convinced this religion is bs, also a ms now :( damn.
One poster on here became an incompetent MS. He started to always be late and make lots of mistakes. He told them he was having some difficulties and had taken the matter to Jehovah.....they finally suggested he step down
Kate xx
i've just signed up two days ago, but i've been lurking for about a year and a half.
here's my story if you're interested:.
my parents converted when they were in their first semester of college.
I feel for you so much Miss Behaving.....I can't believe you are sleeping in a hall way. Your parents should be ashamed of themselves.
Good for you that you are bettering yourself and working two jobs and going to college.
I hope you find a place to live soon. But I admire your integrity....I couldn't fake it either once I read and COC.
Kate xx
on another thread a poster made the comment that the golden rule was garbage.
she said it was arrogant and made assumptions.. i didn't want to derail that thread so i started another wondering if this is a common thought about this belief on this forum.
i guess i naively thought the value of doing to others as you want them to do to you was generally accepted as positive.. i understand people have different opinions of jesus as a person but i don't want to get into that here.