I dream of my son all the time
Kate xx
i don't refer to anything sexually explicit of course.. i mean, in general.
do you dream of owning a big house, a football team, the perfect body.......er paradise earth?.
i'll start:.
I dream of my son all the time
Kate xx
so it's been a few months since i last went to a meeting but i've still had lots of guilty feelings about leaving, such as am i doing the right thing, thinking about friends and family, where do i go from here etc etc.
but i think once you stop believing you can't go back.. anyway, today i had a very nice experience.
my daughter had been to nursery today and when she got home i asked her what she had done and she excitedly told me they had been doing pumpkins.
I am so jealous of you all you guys having a great time with the build up to Halloween and Guy Fawkes night. My kids are older now. Trying to get my 22yr old to come to a Halloween party or ghost walk with me. Not much luck so far.
I am going to get my son to arrange to go to a fireworks display with a few school friends he is a teenager and I want him to develop independence and free thinking.
Kate xx
a reflection on the importance of acknowledging that we can all be manipulated.. this is an excellent presentation on the problems with leaving the group, problems with disagreeing with the group, why recruiting children is important to religions.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iauhr-trkhy.
How exactly are those guys going to "finance" anything? - Sir82
The GB have no long term solution to their short term problem of lack of funds and law suits. They are too stubborn to start to recommend higher education. But where do they think they're going to be in 30/40 yrs. They obviously don't care about the long term survival of the WT.
I can see new leaders coming in and changing things, afraid I can't see the collapse of the WT
Kate xx
just a wee warning on following links to jwtalk (jwt).
if you are a member there then it is very easy for the mods to identify if you have come in from this site.
they will then ban you.. so, if you are member here and trying to lurk there then don't click on any links to jwt, just copy and paste the link into a new browser tab..
Yes really if you're awake, it's not the most productive place to be.
Kate xx
most everyone was very nice.
i did get a couple of we miss you soooo much and an elder that said he might drop by someday to say hello when he gets a chance....i'm already prepared for him if he should show up.. over all, it got finished and i'm going to bed..
Hope you get through this Min, don't let that elder get you down and don't stress over him. i know it's easier said than done but we are all here for you.
Kate xx
hello everyone.. first post here.
long time follower of this website, probably 4 years now.
i've known about ttatt since ive been 18, im now 22 going on 23 but still go to meetings because of parents.
Welcome Breezy,
Bonsai and fmf have got the Awake for you with the quote. This is really good to use with your parents. They seem reasonable and balanced as they did not encourage pre teen or teen baptism for you, I think they will eventually accept your religious position.
If you show them you can be morally upright and responsible, I am sure they won't shun you as you're not baptised.
Good luck and keep us informed
Kate xx
just a wee warning on following links to jwtalk (jwt).
if you are a member there then it is very easy for the mods to identify if you have come in from this site.
they will then ban you.. so, if you are member here and trying to lurk there then don't click on any links to jwt, just copy and paste the link into a new browser tab..
Well I couldn't pass the registration process to join JWT. They have really set up their own cult over there, and doing it in defiance of the GB. They're hypocrites.
Kate xx
just saw this on the public area of jwtalk (i am not a member).
here is the link.. http://jwtalk.net/forums/topic/23523-privvy-news/.
such a shame - i do feel for these ones - i just don't know what to say.... wgo.
I read a few posts from the JWtalk thread. It reminds me of the loving kind sisters in my cong. They are so full of faith Armageddon will come soon, but they are losing loved ones each year. So very sad.
Kate xx
would love to see if any users are from orange county area??
been around newport beach, laguna beach, and costa mesa for the last 12 years!!
been hesitant on posting my area, but i have nothing to hide my family, as well as my husbands know where we stand.
Welcome to the board,
I am from the UK. Sorry I would love to meet up. We just had a nice meet up in Manchester, North West England. Just four of us.
Kate xx
it funny how the cult will imbelish on somethings and others they just sweep under the rug and you never hear anything about it again.
i was just doing some searches on the internet and stumbled on this.
i had heard that the dub's were trying to get people to go to israel and then you never hear anything after that.
The report says that JWs are trying to convince children and teenagers to convert.
This is true they aim at that age group with their simplified recruitment tools.
Kate xx