You're welcome Garret.
Try and build a new life, it may not come as quick as you like but take one step at a time.
Kate xx
some of you may have seen my previous post regarding my concerns with leaving the organization.. so many of you responded and were so kind and helpful, that is was rather overwhelming.
i didn't expect so many responses.
a lot of you also provided links to research as well as some books to read.
You're welcome Garret.
Try and build a new life, it may not come as quick as you like but take one step at a time.
Kate xx
a woman has a blood transfusion during pregnancy.
this blood, obviously, now constitutes the unborn child's circulation.
kid gets born, becomes of age and wants to become a jw.
finally after five years i have finally shut the door very firmly on the witnesses.
i have had this "sister" calling for over the last six months clearly trying to reactivate me,but never mentioning the reason why me and my family left the forfar congregation two years ago.
it was always any subject but the " elephant in the room" well today was the finale.
Well done for making it final. You must feel relieved.
Kate xx
so, i have been badgered recently to do some kind of family study by my wife.
thanks to i now have a really easy tool to use that not only passes this time but actually makes them question the organisation.. our sessions skipping through the delights of the monthly broadcast have been very interesting.
derision at the wooden delivery of the gb.
For those that are still in and jw.TV really the best thing for young children? Is waking them up and teaching them to live double lives really the wise choice?
I firmly believe that kids need to see integrity and parents standing up for what is right. We could end up breeding a whole load of fake elders that don't believe in WT at all but just playing the company game and getting privileges.
This sort of lifestyle is one that I don't condone. We need to get our children out not teach them how to get away with waking up and staying in.
Kate xx
# 3 newbie post.
first of all, the newbies have set a record here!.
have you ever seen a 4pg post where 21 new members reply!
Sorry to burst everyone's bubble. It's great to see new users, but they are not necessarily newly awakened or newly exited from WT.
Some newbie posters are long time ex-JWs.
Nevertheless it's good to see new users or lurkers.
Kate xx
hello in an earlier thread i started, you'd realize that my father and i are quite close, we talk about almost everything/anything.. he traveled outside the country (he's semi-retired), enjoying the fruitage of his hard labor during his younger years.
so he recently returned home after he and mum went away to catchup with some old friends in another country.. upon his returning home, and subsequently to the meetings, he was told that a decision was made to strip him of his "field overseer" role, but will still continue to be an elder.. the reason...he goes away for too long too can't be away from your congregation for three months out of the year!!!???
has anyone else had this experience before?
Kool Jo,
Glad your dad is looking forward to flying out somewhere nice. Having a nice life now is what counts as long as he's not hurting anyone.
Kate xx
how scientology changed the internet.
by dave lee .
technology reporter, bbc news .
I thought it was interesting how the Church of Scientology tried to silence ex members and even lied about being a JW to do this. Very telling indeed.
The article ends with a more balanced view, but as any ex-cult member would know, putting that much effort into silencing ex members is a cause for concern.
Kate xx
"it is perfectly apparent that god is monstrous, utterly monstrous, and deserves no respect whatsoever.
the moment you banish him, your life become purer, simpler, cleaner; more worth living in my opinion.".
Simon posted this and so did Lurknomore yesterday. Lol it's funny how everyone is eager to share hahaha. Stephen Fry is good
Kate xx
great answer to a stupid question - what would you say if you're wrong, if god does exist and you go to meet him when you die?.
Hey Simon good find, lurknomore also posted it
Kate xx
i am a big tennis fan and today i watched serena williams win the australian open, one of the four tournaments which make up the pinnacle of achievement in the tennis world, the grand slam.
in her victory speech the first thing she said was that she thanked her god jehovah for the victory.
now i know that rumours have circulated for a long time as to whether she is a baptised witness or not, but she is definitely associated with witnesses .
Well I think it's ridiculous her thanking God for her tennis win. When I was a believer it baffled me to see sports stars and celebrities claiming that they were JWs. Now it doesn't surprise me cos I know it's all fake.
Kate xx