Scooby dooby do, where are you?
I think the reason you see so much venting here is that where else can we vent? My husband is a good and caring loving husband. But having never been a JW, he simply cannot relate. Neither can anyone else I know. And why don't we see the positive about the JW's? Well that is simple because there just isn't anything positive. Your line of reasoning sounds like me for the last few years of my first marriage. He hit me, he controlled me, he cheated and betrayed me. blah blah blah et cetera and so on, any old how, the last few years I was trying to justify staying in that train wreck I called my marriage. I would call to mind any little kindness he chose to bestow upon me. Because I could not come to terms with the fact that he was a bad man and my marriage was a lie.
We are not throwing the baby out with the bath water. The org is bad and any relationship with it is a lie founded on lies. How long have you been out Scooby (my son's nickname btw) ? It sounds like you are grieving to me. And there is a lot to grieve, the loss of a way of life.
Yes there is a lot of pain and anger here, because we have pain and anger in our lives, better out than in, we must spew. But there is plenty of warm and fuzzy, touchy feely stuff here too. We are goin thru a phase here, a big collective phase that involves much anger, don't worry we will get over it.
Here is a warm and fuzzy, touchy feely hug for you. (wink wink-hubba hubba) Holy Buckets I am in the mood for an emoticon