If I recall correctly, Simony is selling a position of responsibility within a religious organization. Perhaps similar to prostitution-getting money for it.
JoinedPosts by freein89
The Assembly and What Wasn't Said
by metatron infeel free to correct me but i am utterly unable to find any trace of the blood issue or mention of masturbation in the.
new book for kids released at the assembly.
it certainly deals with other issues that require instruction such as birthdays,.
It looks like a slow morning
by obiwan inboy it looks like everyone is still in bed.
well if that's the case i'm jelous.i would love to be in bed right know.
so everyone get thier coffee and wake up, let's hear about your weekend.
I am sorry for your loss, and this is the thing, my son out there drinking and driving. It hits me hard knowing what happened to you and so many others. I will tell my son about you, you lost someone dear to you, a part of you, because of someone like him. It was very generous of you to reply. My heartfelt thanks and sympathy.
why can't i commit to the apostafest in green bay
by freein89 ini honestly can't figure out what my problem is here.
i live in wisconsin, only an hour and a half from the mall of america though.
i know somebody is going there and will head to green bay from there.
I honestly can't figure out what my problem is here. I live in Wisconsin, only an hour and a half from the Mall of America though. I know somebody is going there and will head to Green Bay from there. I want to go so badly but I am holding back and I don't know why. I want to meet all of you who will be there. What is my problem? I could use some encouragement perhaps.
It looks like a slow morning
by obiwan inboy it looks like everyone is still in bed.
well if that's the case i'm jelous.i would love to be in bed right know.
so everyone get thier coffee and wake up, let's hear about your weekend.
thank you so much I can really use it. i feel the big cry makin a return visit. too bad ice cream has lost its healing power.
Favorite lines....
by shotgun ini saw a thread the other day about movie titles for the wtbts.
i like one liners from movies for the wtbts as well..... unforgiven..........((no one deserves to die boy)).
dune..................((the sleeper has awoken)).
I guess we'll have to settle for heels over head-Cybal (sp) Cybal Shepard It was her drunken friend that said it, they were wondering if they would ever be head over heels in love again. lol
What was he doing?
by Ariell infor those of you who believe in god, and i know this may sound like a silly question, but what was he doing before he created jesus, the first thing he ever made.
we're talking an eternity here.
zillions upon zillions of years.
he was busy thinkin up new light.
The generation that by no means would pass away until all things occurred
by professor inwow!
i longed for the day when the last of the anointed remnant was on his/her death bed and all of the witnesses awaited to be swept away into the new system.. who knew that they could just, with one stroke of "new light" change everything and do away with this hope/doctrine.
how many times did i preach it from door to door and misrepresent god and the bible!
o crap, and I thought I was a child of god.
It looks like a slow morning
by obiwan inboy it looks like everyone is still in bed.
well if that's the case i'm jelous.i would love to be in bed right know.
so everyone get thier coffee and wake up, let's hear about your weekend.
ok this is very hard for me, but here goes. My weekend was horrible, at least Sunday was. I was just heading off to my computer to check in here and see how everybody is when the phone rang. My son 23 had been drinking and driving, he swerved to avoid a deer and went off into a very steep ditch. The police took him to the hospital for some stitches and then to jail. I am feeling so bad, he broke the law, endangered himself and others and lost his job to boot. He cooks at a very large boy scout camp, at least he did, lived there too. He was fired and told to get his stuff. I went to pick him up and then we went and got his stuff at camp.
I am feeling this strange mixture of shame and worry. What was he thinking? My husband and I have six kids between us and he is the only one that makes us worry. We have always warned about drinking and driving. I feel like crap. Now here he is no job, no car its totaled. I am lucky he is alive, I saw where he went in the ditch, it was more of an embankment. At the end of the day, I felt the big cry coming. Tried to fight it, I actually went and got some ice cream, yea ice cream will make it all better I said.
Well ice cream didn't work, can you imagine that? When I got home the big cry happened. My son held me in his arms while I sobbed and told him how worried I am. He was shaking and said he was so very sorry. He has money in the bank and can take care of his expenses. But I am sick at heart. My son-I love him so much. I feel terrible guilt, the divorce and his father doesn't care-at all. My husband is a good man and is supportive, he loves my children. But I cannot give my children their father, he doesn't care. Well there it is.
I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
by avengers incat that is.
picture of my cat.
please show me yours.
Alas I cannot show you mine as I am sadly lacking a scanner. Also I am sadly lacking my cat. We had a cat named Pissy for 8 years. But the grandchildren started coming and Oh did that cat hate the babies. They weren't safe, so the cat had to go to a new home.
We got Pissy as a 3 year old and she hated us for about 3 weeks. She would sit on our bed and hiss and snarl and attack us when we tried to go to bed. I said, Geez this cat is pissy and my daughter started singing What's new pissy cat - like the Tom Jones song anyway the name stuck and Cinnamon became Pissy.
Our Pissy cat hated us until hunting season, the old ball and chain is a deer hunter. The first hunting season after we got her, the old boy came in with all that venison to package and it was all piled on the table ready to package and Pissy launched herself from about 5 feet away from the table - she flew through the air and landed on the venison and started to eat. The she started thinkin we were pretty cool.
I miss my cat, old bag that she is.
Ex-JWs......full of hateful pride ??
by ScoobySnax inan observation...... recently someone asked "are we the most prolific exjw site on the net?
" from looking about and trawling around, i don't dispute that this site is the biggest, if not the most prolific.
(type in jw on a search and this site will appear) from an inactive point of view, i reckon despite the fact that there are some genuine people "hurting" here from past experiences, the majority of posts seem like some crusade against the wt and jws at whatever expense.
Scooby dooby do, where are you?
I think the reason you see so much venting here is that where else can we vent? My husband is a good and caring loving husband. But having never been a JW, he simply cannot relate. Neither can anyone else I know. And why don't we see the positive about the JW's? Well that is simple because there just isn't anything positive. Your line of reasoning sounds like me for the last few years of my first marriage. He hit me, he controlled me, he cheated and betrayed me. blah blah blah et cetera and so on, any old how, the last few years I was trying to justify staying in that train wreck I called my marriage. I would call to mind any little kindness he chose to bestow upon me. Because I could not come to terms with the fact that he was a bad man and my marriage was a lie.
We are not throwing the baby out with the bath water. The org is bad and any relationship with it is a lie founded on lies. How long have you been out Scooby (my son's nickname btw) ? It sounds like you are grieving to me. And there is a lot to grieve, the loss of a way of life.
Yes there is a lot of pain and anger here, because we have pain and anger in our lives, better out than in, we must spew. But there is plenty of warm and fuzzy, touchy feely stuff here too. We are goin thru a phase here, a big collective phase that involves much anger, don't worry we will get over it.
Here is a warm and fuzzy, touchy feely hug for you. (wink wink-hubba hubba) Holy Buckets I am in the mood for an emoticon