How many Jehovah's Witnesses does it take to change a light bulb?
Only the spirit of independance would lead one to change a lightbulb without the guidance of Jehovah's Organization.
A true christian will wait for new light before changing the old light.
As a united group Jehovah's Witnesses will carefully consider the loving counsel of the faithful and discreet slave before considering such a step.
As the only true christians, Jehovah's Witnessses will prayerfully consider the wise counsel presented in the 873 page book "Changing Lightbulbs-Is It For You"
Being cautious as serpents, Jehovah's Witnesses world wide are wise to ignore the worldly notion of changing lightbulbs when they burn out. There are many websites directed at Jehovah's people that would have them believe that changing lightbulbs is an innocent past time. These websites contain lies about changing lightbulbs and true christians must avoid them at all costs, the dispensing of new light should be left to the direction of the faithful and discreet slave, only these men, directed by Jehovah's spirit know when it is time for new light.