Awsome! While my son was in bootcamp, I was in college-late bloomer-I got a class to help me with a letter writing campaign, I handed out paper, envelopes and stamps, had the kids write and give them back to me so I could mail them, I wanted my kid to have the most letters in a day. My son emailed me and told me one kid wrote, "I am your mother's lover." That was all, just that sentence. HA! I read the email in class to watch for a red face, I wanted to know who wrote it, the culprit was easy to spot, It was hysterical, the professor was dumb-founded.
Anyway, you have a writer from beautiful Wisconsin!!!!!! Make sure you get to his graduation from bootcamp, I went to my son's and it was one of the proudest moments of my life. He was in the air force and they sell videos of graduation - great stuff. How will I get the address to write to. I love this!!!!!
They go in as a kid like any other and come out polished and proud-and saying sir and mam, and with a life time of stories and memories. My son went to Kuwait, twice. Kinda scary but you get through it with emails. Each of his emails had more 4 letter words describing the heat. The average temp was 130!!!! The water for showers sat in tanks in the sun, he said it burned his A@# hole shut!!!!