Alrighty then, here is what I think and why,
I began college at the ripe old age of 40. Broad Field Social Science. What I was able to gather is that religion and mysticism were invented by people to explain and manage life. Illness, death, prosperity, good times and bad. The beliefs evolved from spirits that controlled crops, weather, health and the like into formal organized religion. Religion was then perceived as a great tool to manage the behavior of people and as such was adopted by governments as they evolved, to help with control and moral issues. Religion was also a great way to raise money, greed played a part, as did the need for social programs such as education and care for elderly and children.
The much maligned Catholic religion was and is at times wonderfully philanthropic. It appears to be a part of human nature to take whatever is at hand and use if for selfish purpose as well as good. This is a very simplistic explanation of religion and its evolution, but it gets to the heart of what I learned.
So that is what I learned and my beliefs follow, any belief in God or lack thereof are based on the above. I am in flux, still creating a world view for myself at age 47, it is an enjoyable, frustrating and confusing journey, but interesting and fun BECAUSE I get to decide for myself now. What a beautiful thing.