I would be if only I was from there
JoinedPosts by freein89
I was wondering: Am I the only Belgian ex-member of the JW on this site?
by Prins Vaillant ini am still a newbee because i was a lurker for 6 years :) but in all those years i never saw one posting from a belgian ex-jw.
it would be so comforting to see somebody from my own area.
so i would like to address the belgians and ask them to reveal themselves to me.
Yoga: The Watchtower's View
by Disheartened inwhat a load of crap!
i copied and pasted this from watchtower.org.
this just goes to show how they will stop at nothing to maintain the mind control over the poor blind people who still believe.... yoga.
My heart is ripped out !!
by Puternut ini am absolutly miserable !.
i am a newbie here, some of you have seen my posts.
and for those of you, who are old timers, this is no news to you.
Well, as you can see, we sympathize. My first reaction to the news about the UN was to toss my cookies. Yup, I took the ole porcelain bus for a spin.
The advice you received about the stages of grief are so very true. We know the pain you are in. Even though I left in 89, I still feel the sting once in a while. But it really gets better. I wish I had gotten some professional help back then. Consider it.
Keep coming here it will help.
Did or does being a JW cause a person to be immature?
by gentlesoul ini have noticed that most jehovahs witnesses and many who have left are very immature.
could you please give me your oppinion on that.
do they go as far as controlling your maturity ?
I really like this question!!
When I think back on 1989, I was 33 years old and the Mother of 4 and newly DA'd and immature doesn't even begin to describe my level of development.
I had never made a decision, so I had no idea how to make one.
So I made some monumentally bad ones out of pure ignorance.
I was so immature I was at about fetus level. What life decisions does a fetus make?
Well that is where I was.
Do meetings help Depression?
by Gadget ini read this on another thread:when i asked if they knew my son had clinical depression, they said, well, even he says he feels better when he studies and goes to meetings, and shrugged their shoulders.).
i've been told this by my ex too, that when she attends meetings it makes her feel better.
anybody else noticed this?
Do meetings help Depression?
by Gadget ini read this on another thread:when i asked if they knew my son had clinical depression, they said, well, even he says he feels better when he studies and goes to meetings, and shrugged their shoulders.).
i've been told this by my ex too, that when she attends meetings it makes her feel better.
anybody else noticed this?
O you silly kittens! Of course meetings help depression. They help make it much worse! Now if you are looking for help getting over it, well that is another matter.
Thrice weekly verbal beatings don't cure depression. The very notion that hearing about how you can have control of the chemicals in your brain by going to meetings is a sure way to make you feel responsible and thus worsen the condition.
That is my opinion.
im very upset
by Shytears in.
i know its been awhile...i dont have to much to say right now.im at a loss for words..im dissfellowshipped now..the announcement will be in 2 weeks.i just need some support..
oh honey, rough times ahead, but now you have a genuine future ahead of you. Do something wonderful. Get an education and do great things. What is your dream job? Now the world is your oyster. Fabulous! Wish I had been out at such a young age. Dream big and make your dreams come true.
Listen to the good folks here. You are not a bad person, and don't let anyone say you are-especially you.
You Have One Shot.
by Englishman inyou're out somewhere, shopping maybe or in a restaurant or bus queue, whatever.. you've not been to the meetings for a couple of years, you are now an inactive person.
you might even have da'd yourself or got df'd.. you suddenly realise you are facing or stood next to someone that you know is a jw.
you also know that they know that you were once a jw too.. the person greets you and starts up a conversation with you.
This has happened to me on more than one occasion and sometimes I just say no. But recently I was on a jobsite with my husband (ceramic tile installation) and a young man who is the son of some formerly dear friends struck up a conversation with me. I had been respectfully avoiding conversation with him because I didn't know how he was feeling, but he took it upon himself to speak with me so I responded. I don't like to be confrontational with young people because they suffer enough. We talked for maybe 10 minutes and I don't remember the specifics of what I said.
But he wanted me to know that he felt the organization was wrong to treat DF'd and DA'd people so cruelly. Nice conversation, but it made me sad.
I think it is good to try to have a few words prepared in advance. Good post, I need to think it over.
The Society is gonna let you off your homework kids!
by nicolaou infrom the current (uk) edition of 'our kingdom ministry'.
take a close look at paragraph 4. am i the only one who can see the old pattern of the 1980's re-emerging?
i had thought that the watchtower had begun to take a more reasonable approach to the secular education of it's members children yet here they are again in 2004 willing to jeopardise the education these young people receive for the sake of indoctrination and control.. .
makes me sick, because of the number of meetings per week, this will seriously jeopardize a childs education. Clueless old codgers who never had a kid find it easy to say such a thing. I can see teachers pulling their hair out trying to explain to the parents of these poor children that they cannot and should not excuse their children from their school work.
anyone from Belvidere or Rockford, IL?
by LuckyNun ini'm trying to find david hunter.
we were in the same congregation in belvidere, il.
i ran away from home when he was in bethel.