You're out somewhere, shopping maybe or in a restaurant or bus queue, whatever.
You've not been to the meetings for a couple of years, you are now an inactive person. You might even have DA'd yourself or got DF'd.
You suddenly realise you are facing or stood next to someone that you know is a JW. You also know that they know that you were once a JW too.
The person greets you and starts up a conversation with you. This will happen at some time. This can happen to you even if you have been disfellowshipped. Trust me, it happens.
Pretty quickly, the person feels compelled to get the subject of the conversation around to you and your urgent need to return to the JW religion. This will normally take the form of you being asked if you ever feel that maybe one day you will return to the truth.
Usually, there will now be a short silence whilst you formulate your answer.
Now, at this point you have only a few seconds to come out with a couple of sentences before your friends eyes glaze over as WT conditioning kicks in and shuts down his listening mechanism.
So you need to say something that will stick in his mind without necessarily triggering the shut down and discard mechanism. If you want your words to cause doubt about JW teachings, you have to make some sort of reply to his question (about you returning to the witnesses) that will not immediately have him labelling you as apostate. Once he's got you labelled, you might as well save your breath.
So you have just one shot and seconds in which to fire it.
Remember, you want your words to stick in his mind and cause him to question the validity of witness teachings. A little stirring of doubt over something perhaps.
What will you say?