You Have One Shot.

by Englishman 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    You're out somewhere, shopping maybe or in a restaurant or bus queue, whatever.

    You've not been to the meetings for a couple of years, you are now an inactive person. You might even have DA'd yourself or got DF'd.

    You suddenly realise you are facing or stood next to someone that you know is a JW. You also know that they know that you were once a JW too.

    The person greets you and starts up a conversation with you. This will happen at some time. This can happen to you even if you have been disfellowshipped. Trust me, it happens.

    Pretty quickly, the person feels compelled to get the subject of the conversation around to you and your urgent need to return to the JW religion. This will normally take the form of you being asked if you ever feel that maybe one day you will return to the truth.

    Usually, there will now be a short silence whilst you formulate your answer.

    Now, at this point you have only a few seconds to come out with a couple of sentences before your friends eyes glaze over as WT conditioning kicks in and shuts down his listening mechanism.

    So you need to say something that will stick in his mind without necessarily triggering the shut down and discard mechanism. If you want your words to cause doubt about JW teachings, you have to make some sort of reply to his question (about you returning to the witnesses) that will not immediately have him labelling you as apostate. Once he's got you labelled, you might as well save your breath.

    So you have just one shot and seconds in which to fire it.

    Remember, you want your words to stick in his mind and cause him to question the validity of witness teachings. A little stirring of doubt over something perhaps.

    What will you say?


  • jayhawk1

    Well, since I am not out to de-convert people, my answer has always been.

    "Don't count on me ever coming back."

    Now, if somebody ever asks me why won't I come back, then I have more to say.

  • Englishman

    Fine. But let's say that you DO want to de-convert them. You know that they're being conned, they might even be separated from loved one's because of WT teachings. The worm of doubt just needs a chance to dig itself in a little. You want to plant that worm without it being immediately brushed away.


  • stillajwexelder

    Well I would like to give you a diplomatic answer brother/sister "so and so" but the January 8th Awake says we are not to rely on diplomacy

    Or my 2nd shot my be "You mean like Jesus taught in the Parable of the Prodigal Son -- have you got your bible handy brother/sister "so and so" notice what is says in the parable -- so if I just come to one meeting -- scrpiturally this is what will happen -- I will be greeted like the prodigal was by his father while I was a a long way off and they will "kill the fatted calf figuratively"and their will be rejoicing --or will the KH audience all be like the older son -- what do you think brother/sister "so and so" -- FROM THE SCRIPTURES -remember I only want to do what the New World Translation of the holy scriptures teaches (quoting Jesus words)

  • dh

    'have you ever considered why i left and why i'll never come back'


    'did you ever stop to think that i left for scriptural reasons'


  • jayhawk1
    Fine. But let's say that you DO want to de-convert them. You know that they're being conned, they might even be separated from loved one's because of WT teachings. The worm of doubt just needs a chance to dig itself in a little. You want to plant that worm without it being immediately brushed away.


    Perhaps I need to explain myself. By saying, "Don't count on me coming back." If they have a seed of doubt that needs watering, they will ask "Why won't you come back?" If that were to happen, then I have more to say.

  • jayhawk1
    'have you ever considered why i left and why i'll never come back'


  • elamona

    Hebrews Chapter 1 and Rev 19:1. Have a nice day.

  • Englishman
    'have you ever considered why i left and why i'll never come back'

    Yeah, not bad, but wouldn't that answer put them on the defensive? It is a retort after all, a good one yes, but still a retort that will cause the old shut down in seconds.

    I do have one up my sleeve BTW, it's working well with my old Dub-in-the-pub pal at present.


  • Sirona

    "I will not tell you specifics, because I'm not in the business of destroying anyone's faith. I left because I couldn't in my conscience keep going to the hall. You see, I found out that the society have printed lies and then covered it up, and I have 100% proof of it."

    If they reply "What proof?" I would likely say "I can't tell you unless you're willing to put yourself in the position of losing your faith. Believe me, if you look at the proof I have honestly, you will not want to go to the hall again".

    At this point, they can walk away. Believe me, that comment will return to them every time they doubt the society, or if they're looking for a way out in future.

    Whilst I was leaving I had a conversation with someone in which I said something similar, I told her I was leaving because I knew they'd lied to me and to everyone in the literature, but I didn't want to tell her details because she'd also lose her faith and have to leave just like I was. Her husband was present and he said he didn't want to know, but she kept saying "Why not see what she means? Why should we have anything to fear, the Society would never lie to us...."

    Its sort of a challenge that you put their way. If they refuse to look at the evidence, they're acknowledging that they're afraid that you might be right. If they ask to look at the evidence despite your warnings, they can't blame you for having shown it to them....


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