Wise words from your mother. Wiser than any words you got from the WTS
There's the Truth, right there.
i don't know if anyone can relate to this... .
it's been a while since i've learned the "truth about the truth".
i feel like a total idiot.
Wise words from your mother. Wiser than any words you got from the WTS
There's the Truth, right there.
the watchtower society tries to "demonize" the internet.
what damage do you think the internet has caused on the jehovah's witness religion??
What jelly said:
Every witness currently has an entire apostate library at their finger tips. Where as before the society could decieve people with near imunity now every lie is cataloged and saved for future reference...
Room 215 is also correct, that the internet gets in the way of converting "newly interested ones" who decide to do some research before they commit.
Has the internet hurt JWs? If by "hurt" you mean impacted their growth and power, well, we're HERE, aren't we?
the governing body of jehovahs witnesses.
dear brothers!
first of all i would like to say how much i appreciate your christian activity by continuing declaring the good news of the heavenly kingdom as foretold in matthew 24:14. i can say many other things to assure you of my sincere appreciation to your god-given work.
But I would like, with this letter, asking you some questions after having been reading the book Crisis of Conscience, written by our brother Raymond Franz.
...this is as far as they got. Round file!
it is a rare movie that evokes spontaneous applause from the audience -- twice!
-- but this one did... and yours truly clapped right along with them.
a very fine movie with a very good message.
Book, movie both excellent and highly recommended.
There's a bonus in the book: the acknowledgements at the end where Hillenbrand, the author, talks about her chronic fatigue condition which kept her doing research in the traditional way; she relied on the internet and did all her interviews on the telephone. Pretty inspiring account on its own.
comments you will not hear at the 9-21-03 wt study
reviewer comments are in black and parentheses ().
wt article quotes are in
The Society's Commentary on the Letter of James appears to have been a one-shot deal, no other New Testament commentaries have followed. A pity, to be sure.
Others have commented extensively on this in past threads. This book scared the WTS sh**less. The verse by verse recital of the rampant hypocrisy in the first century congregations along with problems caused by "warring factions" (chiefly elders) hit too close to home. The friends recognized their own congregations in these writings; the other thing they recognized is how far afield JW infrastructure was from the early church.
And with that, it was, bye, bye, back to the thing we're REALLY good at: Prophecy!
did anyone see the recent questions from readers that cautions against about using gift registries for you wedding?
no joke.
sept 1, 2003.whether a couple who are getting married wish to use a gift registry is a matter for personal decision.
Who is it that felt that they needed to ask the WTS about the gift registry? And why does the society feel that they must answer this, especially in the questions from readers? Do they have so few worthy questions?
This just in from Tower headquarters. A source sends me the list of questions being considered a few months ago for the Questions From Readers article in this issue:
1. How'd you guys get caught with your pants down on that UN thing?
2. Why are we taking a page from the Catholic's book and stonewalling on the child abuse issue? Can't we just own up, make some changes, and move on?
3. What's the bible have to say on gift registries for weddings? Are they scriptural?
Now imagine the committee that met to review QFR submissions:
Uh, I like number 3.
Okay, who wants to write it?
last night neil and i snuggled up on the sofa to watch a movie over a left over dinner.
we had both worked late and were tired.
we wanted to just relax and not think.
...our cat pisses on a pile of clothes ... His litter box is clean, but for some reason he likes to piss on clothes. Yes, the lesson Andi needs to learn is pick up the laundry and don’t let it lie around.
No, the lesson Andi needs to learn is: Get rid of the cat!
within a few weeks i leased a condo on the banks of the willamette river just out side the city of portland.
as she got into her car she looked at me funny again, laughed and just shook her head.. .
i told him that if i said i was sorry, i knew that is what they wanted to hear but it was not the truth.
Dave: I've got the song for the opening credits in the movie version of your upcoming book:
"I Hope You Dance"
i wonder if he's allowed to wear a short sleeve shirt.
doctors have grown a new penis on a russian boy's arm after he lost his old one in a bizarre accident.
"Is that a penis on your arm, or are you just glad to see me?"
comments you will not hear at the 9-21-03 wt study
reviewer comments are in black and parentheses ().
wt article quotes are in
Blondie's exellent series points to the one thing the WTS got right: "Accurate knowledge" is the key to understanding.
Remember when you first came in the truth and there were confusing doctrines you didn't quite grasp or things that didn't make sense? Whenever that happened, the elder who studied with me would say, "Just keep studying." In time, he said, my increased knowledge would cause all the other stuff to fall into place.
Ironically, this also works in reverse when your eyes are finally opened and you begin your exit. So we're all indebted to Blondie for helping us to "keep studying." The light keeps getting brighter!