maybe I can suggest a few
Thanks for the suggestions Minimus, but want nicknames actually in use. I've forgotten most of them.
have any nicknames you remember used to describe the boys at bethel?
vern wisegarver was quickchew because he was quic to chew you out.
maybe I can suggest a few
Thanks for the suggestions Minimus, but want nicknames actually in use. I've forgotten most of them.
have any nicknames you remember used to describe the boys at bethel?
vern wisegarver was quickchew because he was quic to chew you out.
Have any nicknames you remember used to describe the BOYS at Bethel? e.g. Vern Wisegarver was QuickChew because he was quic to chew you out.
yes, verginia the sisters are not happy with the state of their sex lifes, because they greatly desire satisfaction.
as mick jagger appty put it " i can't get no".
i was married once and my ex-wife had to go and tell the elders that we were haveing yummie oral sex and she was just so distrot.
but the men are!
how did the org cope with the invention of tv radio and film magazines/the printing press and photography.. was watching a prog on early movies the seaside there were movies machines with films like "what the butler saw" servanats and mistresses making whoopee in the larder.
not like today but must have been pretty daring in the old days and rude for the old days.
this was really really old brown and flickering something objectionable to the early congregations?
I think the old boys in Brooklyn just can't believe the power of the internet, nor can they out figure how to control it. Hence it must be evil for the R & F to use it.
despite my hangover, i reluctantly went to the meeting yesterday (the gaps are getting bigger each week).
i know that my eyes were a bit out of focus, but this is true, the young elder (age 27ish) gave the talk from his laptop.
his audience contact was crap as his eyes kept scrolling down the screen, mind you it was the worst talk i had heard for years, one of those 30 scriptures in 45 minutes events what we used to call read and run with no explanation.. .
and I forgot to add... If I chose to go to an assembly and actually wanted to take notes on my laptop and some attendant told me to quit I would tell him to stuff it rightquick.
jw's are always in some business venture of one sort or another.
i knew of some in the congregation that didn't do business with brothers and sisters because they'd gotten burnt too many times.
i knew of others that felt obliged to buy something from fellow witnesses, especially elders.
I rarely if ever use Witness run businesses and would prefer not to have them as patients. Most can't afford my fees. So good for me!
the wt says "no"... "when harry met sally" says "no"....what say you?????
is it possible to just be friends with the opposite sex?
and how do you feel when your significant other has a "best" friend of the opposite sex?
Isn't saying that men and women can't be just friends the same as saying two men or two women can't be just friends? Thus attributing wrong motives to everone in the world, gay, straight, or whatever?
despite my hangover, i reluctantly went to the meeting yesterday (the gaps are getting bigger each week).
i know that my eyes were a bit out of focus, but this is true, the young elder (age 27ish) gave the talk from his laptop.
his audience contact was crap as his eyes kept scrolling down the screen, mind you it was the worst talk i had heard for years, one of those 30 scriptures in 45 minutes events what we used to call read and run with no explanation.. .
Outrageous to think anyone needs to speak from an outline from a laptop. Talk about poor audience contact. He could have had a reason, perhaps.
I have used a laptop and digital projector in the past in parts to show certain illustrations, etc. Some time ago I went to a special program put on by the Society entitiled "Planned Giving" where the entire thing was produced in Powerpoint with all sorts of whiz bang stuff to keep the attention of the well heeled in attendance.
I use technology every day in my professional work, but to use a laptop to give a public talk ... never, didn't need it wouldn't need it now if I were ever again so inclined to get on the platform again. Don't hold your breath.
i noticed this article and found it interesting.
these baptist quick builds are much bigger than most all kingdom halls, and are built in days.
they have been known to withstand very high winds and bad weather.
I'm not sure about their (Baptist's) construction skills but they sure do win in the see who can build the biggest church category. BTW did you hear this?
Catholics glorify Mary
Jews deny Christ
Baptists ignore each other in the liquor store
I'll have a shot of that