Near DC in Potomac, Maryland land of the snoot noses and so called intelligentsia of the royal well healed jerks.
might just be bigger than theirs! Whee what fun.
i know some of you are hiding, but i am curious as to how far around the world everyone on here is from.
i am in sask, canada.
Near DC in Potomac, Maryland land of the snoot noses and so called intelligentsia of the royal well healed jerks.
might just be bigger than theirs! Whee what fun.
what are you doing for halloween?
since leaving the jw's, has anyone gone out to halloween parties?
do you dress up in a costume?
Here I am dressed in my Ted Jaracz costume. Think I'll go to a hall and see how many lick my boots. Then I'll go back to Bethel and glare at everyone.
my boss is encouraging me to apply for a help desk position that has recently opened up at my place of work.
it would involve taking inbound calls from both customers and coworkers regarding our software products (i work for a textbook publisher, many of the books we publish come bundled with various cd-roms).. the job would be a significant pay increase from what i make now, which is the primary incentive.
however, the position is at a different location from where i currently work, and would likely triple my commute time.
Have absolutely no clue about the tech support venue. But your comment on the commute time is of concern. Please give consideration to the extra stress this will add as well as the stress of a new job. Are you stressed already? Can you handle the increased stress? How does your spouse feel about the additional travel time?
Wish you success in whatever you decide.
i am still a jw -- i am down to about 30% meeting attendance -- for those here still jws what % meetings do you attend (approximately)?
sorry if we have had this post before
Haven't been to the book study in 2 years, the conductor, oops, Overseer hasn't asked once where I am. MIss as many other meetings as I can. Missed last three but went today.
when i was a kid in the early 1970's, i remember assemblies being longer thatn they are now, but because i was little, i do'nt remember.
also, i've heard in the 50's & 60's they were even longer.
how long were they?
The last 8 day conventions were held in 1969 giving way to the 5 day, then the 4 day, and now the 3 day district convention. Circuit assemblies at one time were three day bginning on Friday evening, Saturday morning was for field service. This gave way to the single two day Circuit Assembly and one day Special Assembly Day.
I hated those 8 day conventions. Too much, too long, too boring listening to people like Knorr, who was no great speaker drone on and on and on. BTW Knorr always went overtime on his closong remarks at the conventions sometimes by more than an hour. Why he thought people would love to hear him dribble was a wonder. Met him backstage at a convention once when I had a part, what a pompous ass he was, acted like the world shoould bow to the earth for him.
just wondering if anyone is aware of a clamp down coming down on internet use with the dubs?
just talking to my parents tonight and there was some mention that "big brother" wt organization will be shutting down any dub web sites.
i guess i wasn't to popular as i said, "god created us with a brain to think amd it would be the most divine thing if we used that brain to think for ourself".
As a matter of practice the Bethel CIA (AKA Service Dept) and it's long arm of the Law (AKA Legal Services) already harass any owner of a dub web site that they feel offers too much info. I know some who have gotten letters from Service/Legal advising them to cease and desist certain postings on their sites.
Some time ago the KM stated that it is not necessary to have personal web sites about the borg as that is already provided for by the FDS.
It's all about control of information in and out. But I don;t think they can ever control it like they really wouold like. In other words no dub would have any site that mentions dubs.
if you had the power to print millions of watchtowers & awakes and you could see to it that the articles that you wrote got to all the readers, give a sampling of what the articles highlighting "spiritual food" would say.
Wanking with Leo and Ewert
Multi-level marketing in this time of the end.
How to bore the audience to death without even trying
Why I'm the Boss by Ted Jaracz
Turn in your brothers by The Service Department
shaking my head at this one - potential darwin award recipient..... kids - don't try this at arrested with snakes down his pants.
sydney, australia (ap) - a swedish man tried to smuggle eight dangerous snakes into australia by strapping them to his legs, customs officials said wednesday.
australian justice minister chris ellison said the 28-year-old man, whose name was not released, arrived at sydney airport from thailand on monday night.
No! I'm just happy to see you!
this was taken when we went to a sixties night.......don't laugh!.
qwerty ............peace man!
i've read, and heard that sexual child abuse is not grounds for divorce according to the watchtower.
can anyone help me in finding documented proof to that effect?
(or even not so documented is a start).
waiting I sent you a PM