$140K is chump change for the WTBS. Don't really see any reason that they would need to hide that little bit of money. I would suspect that that much money comes to the Brooklyn coffers in the mail as donations on a regular basis. Know for a fact that the Treasurers office has some sophisticated alarms installed, pressure sensors in the floor and the like. If they wanted to stockpile cash it would be no problem just to hide away any cash that comes in the mail. More likely that these two were here on some kind of personal business. Just a theory of course.
JoinedPosts by SadElder
Is the WTS hiding cash in plain sight? If so, why?
by Mindchild ini came across something recently that i'm not supposed to know.
before i go further, i should state that what i'm saying here is purely speculation based on minimal evidence and i'm not saying that the wts is using this "privacy" vehicle to hide some of their considerable millions.
i further cannot give you the name of the source of the person who shared this information with me.
Room for a mushy post?
by Mac ina recent excursion into the woods culminated in the procurement of a huge batch of sheep head mushrooms.
i mentioned this to a friend and said i had made some killer soup!
her reply was that i should "stick to the edible varieties"........lol!.
As I recall from my college days, there were some wild remarks about a nice tea from shrooms. Never tried it.
is a snare and a racket
Moving on up ! (site stats & ranking)
by Simon init's that time again when i bore you all silly with facts and figures !
some directly about the forum itself: there have now been over 860,000 posts made in 57,000 topics with an additional 22,000 pms being sent !the topics have been viewed an incredible 18,000,000 times !!.
how long till we get to the magical 1 million post mark?
Simon is to be congratulated for producing his annual Service Year report before Brooklyn publised their's.
*** The Annual General Meeting 2003 ***
by truthseeker inok, no one seemed to notice, but the annual general meeting came and went around october 4th i think.. did anyone go, know anyone that went, or know what may have been discussed?.
apparently, there are a limited number of tickets issued.
part of the meeting is a business meeting.
Someone started a thread on this http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/9/59670/896733/post.ashx#896733 but it didn't draw much of a crowd.
The annual meeting is basically a time for all old cronies to meet up and talk about what's happening with all the the old cronies.
The business meeting is just that a quick vote on the directors and replacements for any who died or resigned. The biggie! is considered to be the meeting which follows where the Yeartext for the coming year is announced as well as other such things.
Can't say any have been memorable except for the recent one where all the GB members were replaced as members of the corporations. We sat there for a few minutes with our mouths open.
We always look forward to seeing some of our long time friends, but really we can do that anytime if we wish. That's one of the reasons we did not go this year. Besides we're tired of hearing Ted Jaracz run his mouth
Hama, why are you insulting Skittles and monkies in general? Give 'em a little respect, aye?
Poor George everone's picking on him.
How Do You Think A Watchtower Mole Might Act On This Board?
by minimus inat times, we get suspicious that a poster could be a watchtower mole or a person just trying to gather information and present it to bethel.
(i've been accused of that
Simplesally, I've been trying to get a pix of Ted Jaracz in drag for months. Want to get it published in the next elders book.
My Body
by StinkyPantz inthere was recently a thread asking whether you'd rather be buried or cremated.
in a way, i think both are selfish.
i am already an organ donor, so i figure, why not donate the rest of my body to medical science?
and what a body it is SP.
" text of the year " of 2004
by ALEX_2003 ina jw asked me it was known which was the " text of the year " of 2004!!
do long knows?
don't hold your breath expat you'll be disappointed.
Ken Little is the Branch Coordinator for the Canadian Bethel.
He is also the Branch Committee member that is responsible for the Legal Department.
Then he'll fit right in with the gators and crocs.