New store front like Kingdom Halls? Sounds like a they are ready for a new round of selloffs to buy "more attractive" properties purchased for investment purposes.
Christian Science Reading Room, Church of Scientology copycats?????
ldc semininar @ patterson nov 15-18, 2014 .
entire ldc dept included remote workers/design/legal/real estate/purchasing.
New store front like Kingdom Halls? Sounds like a they are ready for a new round of selloffs to buy "more attractive" properties purchased for investment purposes.
Christian Science Reading Room, Church of Scientology copycats?????
bob mackey died in thursday in tampa, florida we're told.
he had been hospitaised for some months.
he was preceded in death by brother weldon and sister velma and her husband long time traveling fellow bruce giffin.. bob was used often by the watchtower for various voiceovers and a number of the recorded bible books.. .
Sorry not the designer Bob Mackie.
Bob Mackey (this is the correct spelling) was a long time dub. His experience describing his swimming accident was in the Awake a number of years ago.
bob mackey died in thursday in tampa, florida we're told.
he had been hospitaised for some months.
he was preceded in death by brother weldon and sister velma and her husband long time traveling fellow bruce giffin.. bob was used often by the watchtower for various voiceovers and a number of the recorded bible books.. .
Bob Mackey died in Thursday in Tampa, Florida we're told. He had been hospitaised for some months. He was preceded in death by brother Weldon and sister Velma and her husband long time traveling fellow Bruce Giffin.
Bob was used often by the Watchtower for various voiceovers and a number of the recorded Bible books.
wal-mart, which pays a top wage of $12.00+ to its full-time employees, is under attack, once again, by its employees and those who would like to unionize them.. i can't speak to the usa, but here in canada, most wal-mart employees are not full time.
it is mostly a part-time employer, so zero benefits.
in my opinion, that makes the $12.00+ look a lot smaller when you envision the actual paycheque.
LisaRose: Thank you for not supporting Wal-Mart.
As a small business persons, we believe that our staff is the most important part of our business model - before product, before customer. All businesses are only as good as their worst employee. Have a great staff and treat them well and you build a succesful and profitable business.
Wal-Mart likes to trumpet the benefits they provide to staff - yes - but to full time staff. How many empoyees do they have at full time - few. I know a few folks who worked for them for a short time and left in disgust.
As we did with the dubs - voting with our feet and leaving, we vote with our pocketbook with Wal-Mart - we just say NO to Walmart. Not a penney.
here they are straigt from the presses of bethel.
a new publication for those trying to date and get that young sister to pay attention to him.
here are the top 10:.
I'm an elder in waiting.
i celebrated halloween and my birthday and the elders have been told.
husband told the elders i've called the religion a cult.
they said i'm "heading down a road to be an apostate.
Do not trust them. Many elders talk out of both sies of their mouths and will puppet whatever the CO tells them to do. I know of several instances where the elders were told some time after the fact that they should df certain ones, and they did it.
i have words that irritate me and not always without reason.. my latest hate is the word: 'solutions' as used by so many businesses in their title these days.
y'know, 'something innane business solutions' and such balderdash.. i loathe that word now.
the overused "paradigm"
WT buzz words - likely, evidently, happifying
in my most recent talk, i got counseled for using some terms that were not prefered.
for example i said "new testament" rather than "the christian greek scriptures".
i also used the term "gospel", but even worse, i made reference to the "synoptic gospels" and the "gnostic gospel".. i guess i never thought of it before, but when i looked at the societies information on the matter they always say things like, "the so-called new testament..." or "the so-called synoptic gospels..." why with all the "so-called?".
We were cautioned about saying "the Society says". Who said it then?
How about "bulletin board"? Oh no, it's the Information Board.
here is a simple and obvious way to tell how effective is going to be:.
in the past, how effective has religious tv been for you?
has watching religious tv made by moonies, evangelists, mormons or scientologists made you seriously reflect on spirituality?
Already the site is stale. The dubs better be prepared to post new material often if they want to keep people returning. It's only 5 days and my elderly mother is bored to death with it. To quote her, "it's a bunch of pablum for mental midgets."
since a previous thread is getting comments that this guy may become a new gb member, the topic above is worth pursuing.
here's what i found out by searching so far---in other words, not much.
surely others must know something about the guy..
First met Bill Malenfant in the Washington DC area some where around 1968. I was just a young sadelder then. He and his wife (name esacpes me) were both warm and quite interested in the young people at the gathering we were attending. Later, when doing some special work at the Bethell around 1980, we crossed paths again. He was still the warm person I remembered. He was in the Service Department then, so I can't say what they have done to his outlook since then. He was under the the thumb of Ted "the boss" Jarascz, so anything could have happened.