Bells ringing.... now. Who will it be?
JoinedPosts by SadElder
White smoke. is there a new Pope?
by SadElder incnn showing white smoke from the sistine chapel.
no bells yet.
White smoke. is there a new Pope?
by SadElder incnn showing white smoke from the sistine chapel.
no bells yet.
Cnn showing white smoke from the Sistine Chapel. No bells yet.
What was your most embarrassing moments in the " feild service"?
by new boy ini know its an old thread, but its fun and educational.. i had many, but the one that come to mind the most is.
the orgy!!!.
it was southern calif. about 1969. i was 20 years old.
Knocking on the door... any door
During my two trips to Bethel in the early 90's. MR. Coffee
by PaNiCAtTaCk intheir was this guy that we saw on the sidewalk yelling things at the witnesses that were walking by.
they called him mr. coffee.
rumor had it that the demons wouldnt leave him alone unless he did this everyday and that his wife was a reg.
Mr. Coffee was actually a DF'd witness. I believe he was at one time associated with the Brooklyn Heights congregation. He had a special hatred for Harold Dies (sp?) and Leon Weaver. I don't remember the circumstances. We even had occaision to be the subject of his taunts a time or two when we were there performing our donate the services stints. He'd shout at me - "another new suit this one has ... $40 a month hah!" Little did he know it would have taken a Bethelite a whole year on their $90 a month to buy one of my suits.
Do you know about Coffeemate? He was a bum that used to mimic Mr. Coffee, much to his chagrin.
One of the Bethelites actually ran over Mr. Coffee once,broke his leg too. Accidentally of course. I think the Bethelite was Bob Thahl (?)
Call Me Stupid But.... Who Is Ted Jaracz?
by adelmaal ini keep seeing that name and would love to know who in the heck he is/was.... was he part of the governing body at one time?
is he in coc?
i have only gotten 1/2 way through the book so far...
Ted Jaracz ... not only is he a Grade A a... but he is the Boss of the Bethel CIA (AKA Service Department). Through this department the collective consciences of the elders, CO's and DO's is controlled and manipulated. Jaracz reportedly told another member of the GB (a more liberal one) the he was standing in the way of a benevelent dictatorship.
As to the pants issue... he was reported to have accosted some sisters, visiting New York and staying in Brooklyn Heights, over their wearing of slacks while visiting Bethel. They were not visiting Bethel but friends in the area, but Jaracz was not assuaged.
BTW Bethel housekeepers who work in public access areas must now wear dresses not slacks. Allegedly a Jaracz rule that found its way to reality.
Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock book
by rebel8 inmaybe i'm dreaming, anyone out there willing to scan the book and sell the scan to us ex-non-elders?
i would love to have a copy of the whole thing....i'm sure others would, too.
i scour ebay, but no luck.
BTW word has it that a new Flock book is under way to be released for the next eldub school this winter. Don't have reliable confirmation of this yet. Reportedly it will be looseleaf style, but that too may change.
Are those your kids? Where da' %&*# is Bey Bey?
by prophecor ini must be an old fart, but i gotta' a real problem with opc's or other peoples children.
you know the kind you see in the supermarket runnin around like a buncha' wild indians, (no offense to any indians), but could you just smack dem' lil' suckers, or what?
then, there's the one in the record department of the borders books, he's justa' flippin thru the cd's while listening to ludacris or some foolishness on the headphone listening station, be-boppin his head and just makin' a mess of all the cd's that happen to be in ma' peoples section.
Oh my have you struck a nerve. Unfortunately it?s not just the children who need a whack, it?s half the adults as well. The bleeding hearts aside (sorry of you?re insulted bleeding hearts) when we were in school, discipline and respect were common place, the norm not the exception. I know we?re pushing 60, and that dates our values perhaps. But, in those days if you got in trouble at school you got in more trouble when you got home. Oh yes, guess what? No students showing up blowing away their counterparts or bombs in the hallways.
Today?s teachers are faced with insults and worse from parents irate that their Johnny or Suzy was corrected, or failed, or didn?t get an A for the F quality work they turned in. Give the parents detention too.
We raised our three with a whack on the bottom in they needed it, and guess what? They?re still here functioning and doing well in their respective practices. They don?t need analysis, they don?t hate us or blame us for some imagined damage to their psyche because we made them live to a moral standard. So bring back some discipline (not abuse) and teach respect and values.
March KM also gives instructions to POs
by stillajwexelder inalso in the march km apart from the big front page article about awake being monthly - is a rebuke to pos to distribute kms as soon as they arrive.
i am glad about this - far too many pos are control freaks and distribute kms at last possible minute - it is almost as if they are saying - i am better than you because i get my km about 3 weeks before you do.
anyway we got our march kms last night and they were distributed immediately
The gestapo tactics of the Service Department (Bethel CIA) rise again. The KM is a product of the Service Department and is used as a means to
beatcommunicate with the sheep. How is it that the "Christian" Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses feels it has the authority to infiltrate and regulate every aspect of of the dub's life?Perhaps a reading of Acts 15:10 is in order for Ted "The Boss" Jarascz head of the Service Department (Bethel CIA).
" Now, therefore, why are YOU making a test of God by imposing upon the neck of the disciples a yoke that neither our forefathers nor we were capable of bearing? 11 On the contrary, we trust to get saved through the undeserved kindness of the Lord Jesus in the same way as those people also"
Snubbed by an eldub
by SadElder inhaven't been in the door of a khall in nearly a year and haven't had one visit from any of my old elder "buddies?".
did have two newer eldub idiots stop by about two months after i stopped completely.
told them that if they were there to complain and bitch then they might as well get their fat asses down the drive and not come back.. ran into a eldub that i served on the body with last weekend, he completely ignored me even when i acknowledged his existence.
I decided next time I see him I'm going to give him a one digit salute and not acknowledge him.
Snubbed by an eldub
by SadElder inhaven't been in the door of a khall in nearly a year and haven't had one visit from any of my old elder "buddies?".
did have two newer eldub idiots stop by about two months after i stopped completely.
told them that if they were there to complain and bitch then they might as well get their fat asses down the drive and not come back.. ran into a eldub that i served on the body with last weekend, he completely ignored me even when i acknowledged his existence.
Haven't been in the door of a KHall in nearly a year and haven't had one visit from any of my old elder "buddies?". Did have two newer eldub idiots stop by about two months after I stopped completely. Told them that if they were there to complain and bitch then they might as well get their fat asses down the drive and not come back.
Ran into a eldub that I served on the body with last weekend, he completely ignored me even when I acknowledged his existence. So I just snubbed him with my nose in the air about ten feet higher than his. What a bunch of jerks. My wife just laughed at him.